How to Protect Your Computer From Remote Attacks

A few days ago, some users encountered a scene that looked like a scene from a horror movie, their PC automatically opened some windows, browser tabs and the mouse pointer moved across the screen when trying to login to Paypal .

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Well, if you also encounter something similar to this, don’t panic, there are no spirits possessing your PC. Chances are you are a TeamViewer user and one of those affected by the rampant TeamViewer account hacking.

The majority of users reported it a few days ago, but some users also claimed to have experienced such an attack six months ago. But even after many reports, TeamViewer was adamant not to admit it was hacked and instead blamed the user’s poor password choice. Anyway, we’re not here to judge TeamViewer at fault, but what we’re concerned about is the possibility of such an attack. When an attacker has direct control over your PC, he or she can do damage in a myriad of dangerous ways.

TeamViewer might look like the main culprit here but it’s not feasible or reasonable to remove it. One’s account can also be hacked and the other alternatives are not one hundred percent resistant to the attack either. Furthermore, TeamViewer is a necessity for many people to provide remote technical support to their home without dealing with ports and IP addresses. So, we’ll look at some general precautions you can take to protect yourself from such attacks.

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Set master password

Most of us have a habit of storing passwords in our browsers. It’s one of those habits where we choose convenience over safety. This habit will cost you if you fall victim to such attacks. An alternative is to use a password manager (although they are also not immune to attacks), this is recommended, but if you don’t want to break out of your old habits at all, then your The primary password provides an extra layer of protection.

Master Password Ff

Chrome uses your Windows login password as the master password by default. For Firefox, go to Settings > Security tab > Set master passwordas presented above.

Set up secure folder

This may sound off-topic, but someone with access to your computer can also view your private content, copy it, and distribute it. Setting up an encrypted and password-locked folder where you put all your sensitive files is a great way to thwart any such intentions by an intruder.

bit key

If you are having the professional edition of Windows 8/8.1/10, you can use Bitlocker for this purpose while other users can choose from the many third-party applications available. Some of the top tools in my mind are AxCrpyt Endpoint Encryption, Veracrypt & Symantec.

Do not install remote control application

Many popular remote apps, including TeamViewer, have the option to run the app instead of installing it. So if you only want the remote once then it’s best to just run the app. If you don’t use any apps and use RDP instead, be sure to disable RDP access once you’re done.

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Run For A Time Tv

Scan for malware

If you suspect something suspicious has happened to your PC in your absence, it’s a good idea to conduct a system-wide antivirus scan. The intruder, if he doesn’t find anything useful, can install a keylogger or worse, ransomware. Even if Windows Defender gives clear results, which it does many times, it’s a good idea to perform a second scan using some of the popular free antivirus programs.

Check Important Windows Settings

After scanning for malware and viruses, next on the list will be important Windows settings. Check for any new Firewall rules, check for any unwanted apps by going to Control Panel > Uninstall Programs. If you want to achieve a level of paranoia testing, Regshot, to check the registry, and Windows’ built-in file checker are also available at your disposal.

Uninstall the program

Many users have discovered unauthorized access through browser history, so this history should also be checked as it can provide important clues as to what the intruder is trying to do. Also, any extensions and apps you don’t recognize must be removed.

In addition to the technical side, you should also check out the latest bank and credit card statements as well as Paypal, so you can quickly request a refund for our featured life-size cardboard product. Donald Trump.

Hot Tip: You can remotely control your PC as well as your Mac from your smartphone, learn How.

Final Thoughts: Be Really Safe

Hackers & Intruders have really upped their game. Before, it was limited to bulk leaking the credentials of a certain website, but now it’s right on our PC. After this whole incident, TeamViewer released a statement and introduced trusted devices, but again they do not condone any wrongdoing on their part. The purpose of this article is to guide users in the event of such an attack. So if you have any comments and thoughts, please feel free to share them with us.

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ALSO SEE: Instructions to connect remote desktop on Windows 10

Categories: How to

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