How to Protect Children when They Browse the Internet

The Internet is a very powerful tool. There are tons of useful resources and a wealth of knowledge in general. However, with that said, not everything on the internet is safe or positive. This especially applies to children.

ChildrenLive freely… | shutter

The tools we’re going to explore today illustrate how to make browsing around the world kid-friendly. This involves both keeping them safe as well as making the process easier for them, especially in the case of young children.

Children’s Zone Zoodles

Zoodles Kid Zone offers a fun and educational experience for kids while still being safe. Parental controls are available and the content provided is handpicked by the Zoodles team. The app is targeted for children 8 years old and under.

Note: Zoodles Kid Zone is available for PC, Mac and Android devices. It can be downloaded here

Regardless of your device, Kid Zone works pretty much the same across the board. Of course, parents will have to sign up for an account on Zoodles and then they will have access to the parent dashboard.

From the parental control panel, you can change your account settings, such as your password, time zone, notification settings, and what your child calls you by My account.

My account

The Our family tab allows you to add other adults to your child’s account.

our family thumbs

The family members you add will be able to see pictures your child has drawn, send video messages to your child, and record videos of them reading classic Zoodles stories to your child.

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Next, let’s talk about the tab labeled with your child’s name. click more children This side tab allows you to add another child to your account.

Zoodles . Parental Controls

In this tab you will be able to do the following from overview small board:

  • View and edit your child’s profile
  • View/upgrade your current subscription status
  • See your child’s pre-existing story books
  • See your child’s art
  • View a breakdown of your child’s learning activities over a one-week period or a 30-day period
  • See your child’s most popular games, websites, and shows over a one-week period or a 30-day period

Below ArtYou’ll be able to review your child’s artwork, but here you can add gold stars to the works to better keep track of your favorites.

Zoodles Art 1

Below Bookyou can view the available books as well as record the reading process.

Book of Zoodles

video letter allows you to manage your child’s video messages. You can set up if you want to allow them to send video messages or not.

Video letter Zoodles

Progress report shows you the subject areas your child has learned over a one-week period or a 30-day period.

Zoodles . Progress Report

Browse content allows you to browse the categories of available content as well as see the amount of time your child spends in a particular category over a one-week period or a 30-day period.

Browse content

Education and parental control allows you to view and edit content that can be viewed by your child.

Education Parental Zoodles

Now let’s really move on to the Zoodles Kid Zone Browser. I will demonstrate the PC version. The Mac version should be roughly the same as the version running on Adobe Air.

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Zoodles browser

The Game tab is a collection of videos and games while the art tab allows your child to draw pictures.

Art Zoodles

Book allow your child to view and read available books, Letters allows to manage video messages and favourite Show what your child likes best.

The Android version of Kid Zone runs a little differently. It is set up like a launcher where pressing the home key will allow you to launch Kid Zone.

Kid Zone Launcher Thumb

The interface is a bit more attractive on Android but the same content is available through labeled tabs Videos, Games, Books And Draw. The favourite like tab in Video And Game the tabs themselves.

Zoodle Android

With Zoodles Kid Zone, parents have complete control over the content for their child, and they can monitor how the browser is used across devices. It’s also not difficult to use a browser that is accessible to children.

There’s a lot of free video and game content, but if you want access to a wide variety of books for your kids, you should consider subscribing to the premium content package that Zoodles offers. is an intuitive, kid-friendly search engine.

Main Kiddle has a team of editors who ensure that the results returned are safe for children along with Google safe search results. The following screenshot outlines how Kiddle returns search results.

The Kiddle FoundationSafe Search | children

As you can see, Kiddle’s purpose is more than just keeping kids safe on the Internet. It also gives preference to materials that are easier to understand for children.

Search results are returned with large fonts and large thumbnails that make it easier to sort results.

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Kiddle Technology

Kiddle also offers helpful advice for parents and educators about staying safe on the Internet here. These are good general rules to follow.

Nectar Launcher

Necta Launcher is an Android launcher that shows everything with large icons and text for simplicity. It makes navigating Android easy for both elders and kids.


For example, on the home screen shown in the screenshot above, it’s pretty easy to do an internet search directly from there by clicking on the magnifying glass.


While this well-designed interface makes navigating Android and the internet easy for kids, it does little to protect them from content that isn’t appropriate for them.


All 3 tools reviewed have something to offer in terms of making the browser kid-friendly. Using Zoodles Kid Zone brings kid-friendly content directly to your kids without you having to search.

Kiddle lets your kids search the internet safely, and the Necta Launcher makes navigating the Android scene really easy.

ALSO READ: How to Make Your Android Child Safe with Kaspersky Parental Control

Categories: How to

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