How to Properly Link Instagram to Facebook Page and Profile

Calm. I can understand your frustration that Instagram isn’t properly linking to your Facebook page or profile. Take a deep breath. I assure you, by the end of the article, you have successfully connected the two.

Link Facebook with Instagram Fi

When you visit multiple social networks, it becomes tedious to post the same photo on every page. That’s where cross-posting comes in handy. Ideally, it should be an easy task and it should be, but sometimes, the process makes you nervous.

So without further ado, let’s see how to properly connect Instagram to Facebook. Before that, read these queries to make it easier to link them.

Does Facebook automatically link to Instagram

If you use Facebook to log into Instagram, in some cases your Facebook profile may be automatically linked to Instagram. But in most cases, you have to manually connect your Instagram profile to your business page or personal profile on Facebook.

Which Facebook account is Instagram linked to?

By default, Instagram allows Facebook profiles logged into the Facebook app on your phone. If the app is not installed, you will be asked to sign in to your Facebook account.

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Link another Facebook account to Instagram

As mentioned above, Instagram will automatically select the Facebook profile registered with the Facebook app on your phone. If you want to change your Facebook account, you need to sign out of the Facebook app first (if installed). Then unlink Facebook on Instagram and link it with another Facebook account as shown below.

What happens when you link Instagram with Facebook

When you connect your Facebook account on Instagram, nothing is changed or published without your permission except one thing. For some users, the Instagram profile picture changes to the photo in the associated Facebook profile.

The benefit of connecting them is cross-posting from Instagram to Facebook. So you can share your stories and posts directly from Instagram to Facebook. That is, you don’t have to re-upload them as they will be shared automatically.

You are given two ways to do it. In the first case, all new Instagram stories and posts will automatically publish on Facebook. And in the second case, you will have to manually enable crossposting every time you publish a story or post (more on it below).

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Can people see your linked account on Instagram

Are not. Whether you link Facebook, Twitter or any other account to your Instagram, it will not be publicly visible anywhere on your Instagram account.

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Link Instagram with Facebook on computer

Can’t connect Instagram and Facebook accounts from laptop or desktop. Only the Instagram mobile app on Android and iPhone allows you to do that.

Now that you know the basics, let’s move on to the main query of linking them.

Link Instagram to Facebook Pages and Profiles

Four cases arise when you want to link the two:

  1. Link Instagram personal account to Facebook profile
  2. Link personal Instagram account with Facebook page
  3. Link your Instagram business account to your Facebook page
  4. Link your Instagram business account to your Facebook profile

We have covered the steps individually for each case. However, just linking your Instagram to Facebook is not enough. You also have to share the post, this happens automatically or manually. That is also mentioned below.


1. Link Instagram personal account to Facebook profile

If you want to share Instagram posts and stories from your personal account to your personal Facebook profile, follow these steps:

Step 1: Launch the Instagram app and go to your profile screen (the one that shows your profile and profile picture). Tap the three-bar icon at the top.

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Step 2: Select Settings from the menu.

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Step 3: Go to Accounts followed by Linked Accounts.

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Step 4: Click on Facebook. If you have installed the Facebook application, the interface will ask you to grant permission to Facebook. Otherwise, a login page will open and you must enter your Facebook account details to log in.

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Once authorized successfully, the Facebook label will turn blue and you will see your Facebook profile name there.

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That’s how to link your Facebook profile to your personal Instagram account. To share posts and stories now, read the sharing process mentioned below.

2. Link Instagram Personal Account to Facebook Page

In the case of a personal Instagram account, Instagram links to the Facebook profile by default. To connect a page, follow steps 1-4 mentioned above.

Then on the Linked Accounts screen, when the Facebook label turns blue, tap it. You’ll see a list of pages associated with your Facebook profile in the Share with section. You may have to wait 5-10 seconds for the pages to appear.

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Tap the Facebook page you want to link. The page will be bookmarked.

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Now if you go back to the Linked Accounts screen, you will still see your own name listed next to Facebook. Do not worry. That doesn’t mean Facebook ignores your page selection. Items that you crosspost will only be published on the selected page.

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3. Linking an Instagram Business Account to a Facebook Page

To link an existing Instagram business account to a Facebook page, first complete the steps mentioned above in both techniques. First log in with your Facebook profile under Linked Accounts and then select the Facebook page there.

Change linked Facebook page

If for some reason changing or selecting a page by the method above doesn’t work or you see a single page, go to your profile screen. Click Edit Profile. Scroll down and tap Pages. Select your request page there.

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Switch from personal account to business account

If you’re switching from a personal Instagram account to a business, Instagram will ask you to connect to a Facebook page. If you accept it, just log in with your Facebook details and select the page as shown above.

However, if you decline the request, Instagram will automatically create a new page for your business with the same name as your Instagram profile page (which you need to claim) even if you already have one. . It also links it to your Instagram account.

Now to link your Instagram business to your existing Facebook page, you need to change the linked page as shown above. That is, go to Edit Profile > Pages. Select page. If you’ve successfully connected the two and Instagram posts are still not being published on your Facebook page, try these fixes.

4. Link your Instagram business account to your Facebook profile

Previously, when you linked Instagram and Facebook (from an Instagram profile or business), the default linked account used to be your Facebook profile. However, everything seems to have changed.

Now, even though you require your personal Facebook account to connect the two, you cannot publish from an Instagram business profile to a personal Facebook profile. Publishing from business on Instagram is only for Facebook business pages.

Share Instagram posts and stories to Facebook

Once you’ve successfully linked the two, it’s time to share the posts and stories to Facebook.

Manually share Instagram posts and stories to Facebook

The method is different for stories and articles.

Share Instagram story to Facebook story

Instagram stories are different from Facebook stories, but cross-posting connects them. To crosspost from Instagram to Facebook, follow these steps:

Step 1: Open the story camera and select a photo or take a new photo that you want to put on your story.

Step 2: Once done, tap the Send To button at the bottom.

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Step 3: Tap the Sharing Options drop-down menu below your Story. On the Share to Facebook pop-up, select Share once if you only want to share the current story on Facebook. If you want all new stories to appear on Facebook as well, tap Share to Facebook all the time.

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Step 4: Finally, press the Share button next to your Story. It will be published to the linked Facebook.

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Share Instagram post to Facebook

Step 1: Create a new post by tapping the add icon on the main Instagram screen.

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Step 2: Take a photo or select an existing photo and click the Next button. Apply the filter and press the Next button again.

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Step 3: On the publish screen, toggle the switch next to Facebook and press the Share button at the top.

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You need to turn this switch on every time you want to share from Instagram to Facebook.

Automatically share Instagram posts and stories to Facebook

To automatically post content from Instagram to Facebook without pressing any buttons, follow these steps:

Step 1: On your Instagram profile screen, tap the three-bar icon at the top. Select settings.

Step 2: Go to Accounts > Linked Accounts.

Step 3: Click on Facebook to enter Facebook Options. Scroll down and you will be greeted by two toggles (story and post) present in Preferences. Enable conversions according to your needs.

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Share multiple photos from Instagram to Facebook

Currently, you cannot publish multiple photos or posts containing photos and videos from Instagram to Facebook.

While Instagram posts won’t show any errors when published, they won’t show up on your Facebook page or profile.

Unlink Instagram from Facebook

To remove crossposting from Instagram to Facebook, you need to unlink the two. For that, go to Instagram Settings on your mobile app. Tap Accounts > Linked accounts > Facebook. In Facebook Preferences, scroll down and tap the Unlink button.

Once you unlink them, you won’t be able to crosspost stories or posts.

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Things need to notice

Before we close, here are a few things that you should keep in mind while linking the two:

  • To link your Facebook page to your Instagram, you need admin rights. Otherwise, the page will not be visible during linking. To check your role on a Facebook page, go to Settings > Page Roles.
  • Instagram posts with multiple photos or a combination of videos and photos won’t be shared on Facebook even after linking them properly.
  • Facebook link on Instagram will not publish your Facebook posts to Instagram.

Bad day, eh?

If you’re still having trouble linking Instagram to Facebook or posts aren’t published on Facebook, we recommend unlinking Facebook first and then linking them again. If the problem persists, follow our guide to help you fix sharing Instagram to Facebook.

Next up: Who doesn’t love tips and tricks? Check out these tips to improve your chat game in Instagram Direct Messages (DM).

Categories: How to

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