How to Prevent Cross-Site Tracking in Safari on iPhone

Online privacy is the need of the hour. New methods are always being introduced to track user data for advertising. One such factor is trackers, which are notorious for collecting your data online. While tracking is common on Apple devices, luckily you can prevent tracking between pages in Safari on iPhone.

How to Prevent Cross Site Tracking in Safari on iPhone

Apple provides a built-in method to disable trackers called Intersite Tracking Prevention on iPhone. This helps you restrict third-party cookies when browsing in Safari. As you read this article, we’ll help you understand how this feature can help and how activating it, along with other iPhone security features, can further improve your safety. on the Internet. Let’s start.

What is cross-site tracking on iPhone

Has it ever happened that you searched for something online and was flooded with ads on it? Well, ad trackers are your main culprit. They steal your browsing data to deliver relevant ads.

Browser trackers are website tags that collect information about your online habits and preferences to understand your behavior. Various websites contain trackers that can follow you around the internet to create profiles for advertising. That’s how an ad service can push relevant ads to your device all the time.

What’s worse are third-party trackers. They are placed by websites that you have not visited in the first place. They often originate from ad networks with which you have not even consented to share information. But there is a way to prevent them. Move on to the next section for more.

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How to turn off cross site tracking on iPhone

Here’s the step-by-step process to turn off website-based tracking on iPhone.

Step 1: Open the Settings app.

Open settings

Step 2: Select Safari.

Open Safari

Step 3: Enable ‘Prevent cross-site tracking’ under Privacy & Security.

turn on the switch

Step 4: Select the ‘Hide IP address’ option.

Select Hide IP address

Step 5: Now select ‘From Tracker’.

Choose from Tracker

Here’s all you need to do to disable cross-site tracking in Safari on iPhone. However, many users have reported that this option is greyed out on their devices. If you are facing a similar problem, don’t worry. It is not an error. Move on to the next section to understand it better.

Why is Prevent Intersite Tracking grayed out on iPhone?

The option to Prevent Cross Sites is greyed out probably because you blocked cookies on your iPhone. Trackers use cookies to collect your data, so if you have the cookie option turned off, the tracker won’t be able to collect the data.

Cross-site tracking prevention grayed out

Well, now that you’re aware, let’s take things to the next level. When you enable cross-site tracking prevention in Safari, you also enable Browser Privacy Reporting. What is it and how does it work, you ask? Let’s find out together.

What is an iPhone privacy report and how to view it

Whenever you visit a website in Safari that tries to track you, Safari records and generates its summary in an easy-to-read format telling you how many sites it has intercepted your data. Friend. Apple calls this the Privacy Report. This will give you an idea of ​​the websites that are trying to track you.

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Here’s how you can access this report.:

Step 1: In the open web page on Safari, click the ‘AA’ button.

Select 'AA'

Step 2: Select Privacy Report.

Select Privacy Report

That’s it. You can now view the privacy report. It shows the total number of trackers blocked from crawling you and the total percentage of websites that contacted the tracker.

You can also see which sites have tried to track you the most. When you scroll down, you can also see a list of websites that have tried to follow you along with the number of followers.

Personal information

Privacy reporting is a great feature that quantifies Apple’s claims of how serious it is to user privacy. However, that’s not the case. Apple has added a lot of options to enhance your online privacy.

What does ‘Stalkers prevented from profile you’ in the Privacy Report mean?

So when trackers get data related to your browsing activity, they essentially create a ‘profile’ of your data. This profile is then primarily used by advertising agencies to deliver personalized advertisements. When you enable the toggle to prevent cross-site tracking on Safari, you’re protected against profiling. As a result, your data will not be accessible to these trackers, and as a result, Safari will show the number of trackers it has prevented you from profiling.

More privacy options for safe browsing on iPhone

While enabling ‘Prevent Cross-Site Tracking’ protects you from trackers, there are other settings that can further extend your privacy and help you browse the web safely and privately in Safari. Let’s look at them.

1. Preferences in Safari Settings

As you may have noticed when enabling cross-site protection, there are other settings below that we recommend for your privacy. Here’s what each option means and why you should enable it.

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  • Fraudulent Site Alert: This feature provides a flag and warns you if you are trying to visit a website with malicious content and components.
  • Privacy Protective Ad Measurement: Enabling this feature will allow advertisers to measure the performance of their ads on websites without compromising user privacy.
  • Check Apple Pay: We recommend disabling this option. Once disabled, websites you open in Safari won’t be able to check if you’re using Apple Pay.

2. Turn off location access for Safari websites

You can prevent websites in Safari from tracking your location. This will block trackers from accessing your geo-location. Here’s how to disable location access.

Step 1: Go to Privacy in Settings.

Select Privacy

Step 2: Select Location Services.

Select Location Services

Step 3: Tap Safari Websites.

Select Safari site

Step 4: Select Never.

Choose Never

Prevent cross-site tracking for enhanced privacy

Here’s how you can prevent cross-site tracking in Safari on iPhone. Disabling third-party cookies is an effective way to prevent websites from tracking you. Furthermore, I believe the Privacy Report will help you better understand which sites to avoid based on how many trackers they have. Wish you safe and private browsing!

Categories: How to

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