How to Pin Your Favorite Sports Team to Windows 8 Start Screen

Windows 8 sports app icon



If you’re interested, it’s likely

keep yourself updated with sports news

from all over the world is also something that interests you. The question is what is the best way to do that, especially for your favorite sports team if not all teams or sports. However, Windows 8 users don’t need to think much because they have the Windows 8 Sports app.

We’ll show you how to pin your favorite team to the start screen and depend on live notifications for updates. That way, as long as you’re on your computer, all you need to do is swipe to see what your beloved team is up to.

Here are the steps.

Step 1: First and foremost, go to the start screen and launch the sports app.

Step 2: Scroll the interface to the right until you find the section you are reading favorite team. You’ll see a box with a + icon. Click on it to get started.

favorite team

Step 3: You can now add a group of your choice that you want to update. Start typing the team name until you see a list of suggestions. Choose the most suitable and click Add.

Search for your favorite team E1376421433273

I love to follow cricket, and as an Indian, the Indian team is my favorite. So I added it as one of my favorite teams. The item can be seen in the image below.

Added favorite team

Step 4: Now click on the group you just added. That will take you to a deeper page for group details. It will also display the schedule of ongoing and upcoming events. Much more is in it.

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There is another way to get these details. Navigate to a sport and go to the list of teams in it. Then, drill down to the page of the team of your choice. Here is an example.

team list

Step 5: On the page, right-click anywhere to bring up the menu at the bottom of the interface. At the bottom right you will see an option that says Pin to get started.

Start group pin

Step 6: Click on it, give it a name and click the icon Pin to get started button. That’s it, your favorite team will appear as a standalone tile on the start screen.

Pinned start screen of the group

Along with the India Cricket tile (pictured above), you must have noticed one for the weather app and one for the finance app. We also wrote about those:

  • How to Get the Most Out of the Windows 8 Weather App
  • How to add a news feed using the Windows 8 news app and pin it to the top
  • How to Create a Favorite Stock Watch List with the Windows 8 Finance App


I feel this is a good way to keep up with your favorite sport or your favorite team. Just like we pinned a favorite team, you can also pin a favorite sport.

Windows 8 users, is there a faster way to follow teams and sports news? Let us know in the comments section.

Categories: How to

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