Have the New Tab Open a Specific Website in Chrome, Firefox Automatically

With changing times, sometimes we don’t notice small changes around us. If you remember the good old versions of our favorite browsers, be it Chrome, Firefox or IE, opening a new tab in them automatically opens a blank page or a specific web page. Today, these browsers have arrived with a complete new tab page containing links to our most viewed pages along with their thumbnails and others.

While this full-featured new tab is useful, many of us might miss the simplicity of bringing a frequently visited site like Google to a new tab. And unfortunately, reverting to that setting is not a straightforward process in the latest versions of most browsers.

If you are using Chrome or Firefox as your default browser, you can follow these steps to automatically open a specific website whenever you open a new tab. For IE 8 users, we’ve covered this in an article here.

For Chrome users

Step 1: Download and install Replace New Tab Page from the Chrome Web Store. It’s a nifty plugin that makes it easy to replace your new tab page with a specific website.

Step 2: Once the add-on is successfully installed, now it’s time to configure it. Open Chrome’s extension manager by clicking the wrench button and selecting the extension located under Tools. You can also type chrome://extensions/ in the address bar to get the same thing.


Step 3: Search for the Replace New Tab Page add-on in the list and click the option.

Replace New Tab Page Addon option

Step 4: Once you are on the Replace new tab page option, enter the URL of any web page you want to open instead of the default new tab page in the box provided and click save.

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New tab options

From now on, whenever you open a new tab in your browser, the specified website will open automatically.

Note: If you save preferences with an empty URL box, you will get the same page every time you click a new tab. If you ever want to go back to your old new tab page, simply disable or uninstall the plugin from the extension manager.

For Firefox users

Step 1: For Firefox too, you need an add-on to do the trick. Download and install NewTabURL by clicking the Add to Firefox button on the plugins page.

Step 2: When you restart your browser after installing the add-on, navigate to the extension manager by pressing Ctrl+Shift+A anywhere on Firefox. Find the NewTabURL add-on in the list and click the Options button.

New Tab Url option

Step 3: On the preferences window, you can choose a blank page, home page, or user-defined URL to open every time you open a new tab in Firefox. You can also open a URL from the clipboard.

Configure new tab url

To check if the plugin is working, open a new tab and test. If a new tab opens the specified site, it means the plugin is working perfectly fine. To get your old new tab page back, disable or uninstall the add-on.

You can now use this trick to open your favorite search engine, favorite social networking site, or any other site that you use the most. You can also combine this trick with a start page of your choice.

Categories: How to
Source: thpttranhungdao.edu.vn/en/

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