How to pick the best drop locations in Helldivers 2

So, you’re ready to drop in and spread managed democracy throughout the stars in Helldivers 2 but don’t know exactly where freedom’s hammer should strike? We’ve got you covered.

Some maps are big, some are small, and the perfect drop location in the game will come down to personal preference, but there are a few things you should keep in mind.

How to choose a drop location in Helldivers 2

If you’re the one leading the mission, once you get in your hellpod, a map of the mission zone will appear. Orange markers on the map are main and sub objectives, essential to completing the mission. Light blue markers are entirely optional, but give you extra experience and requisition if you complete them.

Simply move your cursor over the spot you want to land and then load up, Helldiver.

a planet map in helldivers 2 shown on a holographic displayClick to enlarge

The best starting locations for each difficulty

Low difficulty

On the lower difficulties, you should just drop near the main objective, complete it as quickly as you can, and then spend your remaining time hitting all the minor points of interest to scavenge Super Credits, Warbond Medals, and Samples.

The map will warn you if there’s a heavy enemy presence where you’re planning to drop, so just avoid those spots, but on low difficulties, you should be fine regardless.

Mid difficulty

On mid difficulties, the main objectives tend to be heavily infested with enemies, so it’s better to drop near optional ones. These range from propaganda broadcast stations to rogue research centres to enemy outposts. Drop near, but not right on top of these places. This will give you and your fellow Helldivers the chance to call in your support weapons and backpacks before introducing our spacefaring foes to the concept of liberty.

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That preparation time will be essential to ensuring you have a successful mission. Dropping in somewhere quiet, whetting your beak on an optional task, and then making your way to the sub and main objectives via all the points of interest on your way will ensure you’re well stocked on Medals, Samples, and Super Credits before you extract. You should also still have plenty of lives left.

If you just drop right onto the main objectives, you’ll be swarmed immediately and have no time to prepare, wasting lots of gear and lives in the process.

a helldiver facing off against a bile titanClick to enlarge

High difficulty

This really depends on you and your squad’s skill level. If you’re all chatting on mic and are level 20 or higher, you can likely get away with repeating the strategy for mid difficulty drops – hitting optional and then sub and main objectives with good rhythm.

If your team is uncoordinated or doesn’t have the best gear, you’re better off dropping in somewhere deserted but close to the mission objectives. You’ll still likely be set upon by an enemy patrol the instant you touch down, but once you’ve dealt with the initial threat and called in all your gear, you can rush the mission tasks and then decide whether or not you’ve got the lives and time to go after more Samples and other valuables after the main job is done.

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While on a mission, make sure you’re on the lookout for whatever it is you need to complete your personal order, such as killing Bile Spewers, and make sure you’re wearing the right armour for the job. You can also visit our Helldivers 2 homepage for even more guides!

Categories: Gaming

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