How to Open Links Directly in Incognito on Android

Chrome’s Incognito Mode or Firefox’s Private Window, whether on a computer or on Android, is a great way to browse the web without piling up browsing history and preventing cookies from being stored on the device. After you finish browsing, the device won’t even remember if you have visited this page in the past.

Private BrowsingImage via Shutterstock

Whenever we have to open a link on a desktop browser in an incognito window, one can simply right click on the link and select the option Open the link in an incognito window. But when it comes to Android, there is no built-in way to click on external links and open them directly in incognito mode. The links opened in a regular browser and then the damage was done.

So today I will show you how to open direct links to Chrome’s incognito window using a simple Xposed module called Incognito Tab. This trick will make Android treat Chrome’s incognito tab as a separate browser and will ask you to choose how you want to browse when opening an external link. We’ll also look at an easy shortcut to implement the same for Firefox users (Firefox for Android of course).

Stay Incognito for Chrome

In the Xposed pane, navigate to Download section, find IncognitoTab and install it. Stable build and less than 100KB. Once the app is installed, navigate to module and enable the IncognitoTab module. Finally, you can reboot the device, but if you want a soft reboot, which takes less time than a hard reboot, you can choose the option from frame section in the Xposed app.

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Note: Since this trick requires the Xposed framework to be installed on your device, you can check out our guide on how you can get it if you don’t already have it. KitKat users can use the factory install method and Lollipop users can use the Xposed hack for the time being.

After the phone reboots, you’re done. No additional settings required. Next time you open a link on your droid, your phone will give you an additional option to open the link directly in an incognito window of Chrome. You can choose to make that option the default or just choose Only once to be able to choose each time.

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Stay Private for Firefox Users

There is no direct way for Firefox users to open links in a Private Window, but you can choose to make your Firefox forget all history when you exit the application. So the trick here is to install two versions of Firefox from the Play Store, a normal browser and a Firefox Beta version. Once both versions of Firefox have been installed, open the Beta version and navigate to browser settings. Here, tap the option Privacy > Delete on exit and select everything you see here.

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That’s it – now either of your installed Firefox browsers works completely as a private browser, and when you choose to open links in Firefox Beta, nothing will be stored.

Incognito privacy mode 1


So that’s how you can always open external links on Android without including them in your device’s history. The Firefox trick is another workaround, but trust me, it works and doesn’t require root or Xposed modules. If you have any better options that you’d like to share, feel free to post them in the comments.

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Categories: How to

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