How To Change the User Agent in Safari, Chrome and Firefox

Change browser user agent

Using different browser user agents to access websites allows your browser to switch to a different browser altogether, including a different operating system or browsing application in the case of a browser. for mobile devices. This also has other benefits, as some sites with completely different themes, such as mobile browsers, tend to load a lot faster and are not burdened by ads. fox for example.

However, most of you might be thinking which add-on or extension is best for switching user-agent on your favorite browser. Well, let me tell you that if you use Chrome, Safari or Firefox, there is absolutely no need to download anything else, as the option to change the user agent is built right into these browsers themselves. .

Let’s see how to change the user agent in each of these browsers.

Change User Agent in Safari for Mac

Safari may be a surprisingly versatile web browser, but some of its most compelling features (such as being able to change the browser’s user agent) require a bit of tweaking. In this case, you need to open the browser first Interest control panel and click High level navigation. Then, at the bottom of the window, check the box next to Displays the Develop menu in the menu bar.

Safari Prefs

This allows Develop menu, from which you can choose User agent option to select any major browsing agent, including mobile ones like Safari for iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch.

develop 1Development 2

Change user agent in Chrome

Although the vast majority of Chrome users are not aware of this feature, it is available in its options. Follow these steps to do it.

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Step 1: On the Chrome menu bar, click the . icon See menu and search Developers sub menu. Click on it and from the available options choose Development tools. This will open a small panel in the lower part of the currently active window in Chrome.

Chrome Developer MenuChrome Developer Menu Window

Step 2: On the newly opened dashboard, look for Engine icon (usually located at the bottom right of the panel) and click it. Once you do, a new sub-panel will open. On the left side of this sub-panel, below Settingclick overwrite select.

Override ChromeChrome User Agent

Step 3: Check the box next to User agent to enable a drop-down dialog from which you can select the agent you want to browse, including mobile agents not only for iOS devices but also (of course) for Android devices.

Chrome Select

Note: This is an alternative way to do this. A bit more complicated, but works just as well.

Change user agent in Firefox

Firefox is by far the most difficult browser to change the user agent because it requires you to edit its configuration files directly. However, if you follow these instructions, you will find that this is not too complicated. Best of all, if you do this, you won’t even need to download any kind of add-ons for this purpose.

Step 1: Open Firefox and in the address bar type: About: configthis will take you to the Firefox configuration options once you agree to continue.

Ff . address barFF acceptConfigure Ff

Step 2: Once there, right click on the window containing all the strings and choose create one new chain as shown in the first picture below. Then in New string value window, type common.useragent.override and click ALRIGHT button.

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New chain ffOverride Ff

Step 3: Before continuing, you now need to find the agent you want to switch to in order to paste it into your new String. This is a site with some of the most important people. In this example, I selected the iPad agent and copied its string value:

Chain agent

Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 6_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/536.26 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/6.0 Mobile/10A5355d Safari/8536.25

And paste it in Enter string value window.

Value Chain

Once done, you should see the new string show up on Firefox’s configuration window. Then all that remains is to restart the browser and it will hide as the iPad browser whenever you visit any website.

Skip the cell phone

And that’s it for today. Now you know how to change the user agent for three of the most important browsers right from their settings without downloading any additional stuff. Happy browsing!

Categories: How to

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