How to Hyperlink in Google Docs: A Detailed Guide

Hyperlinks help connect one document to another. This is especially useful when you are working on documents that may require references or additional information to provide additional context. So, let’s take a look at all the ways you can create hyperlinks in Google Docs on desktop and mobile apps.

How to Hyperlink in Google Docs

Over time, Google Docs has become the preferred tool for collaborative projects. It allows you to create shareable forms, track document changes, etc. So it’s no surprise that you can also create and add hyperlinks to your Google Docs.

This helps to make the document informative without cramming information into the document. Continue reading to learn how to do it.

How to Add Hyperlinks in Google Docs on Desktop

Creating hyperlinks in Google Docs is easy by selecting text and then adding a link address using the link icon. Here’s how to do it.

Step 1: Open Google Docs and locate the relevant file.

Step 2: In the document, select the text you want to add the hyperlink to.

Select the text you want to hyperlink

Step 3: Click the Insert link icon on the menu bar. This will open the ‘Search or Paste Link’ box.

Alternatively, you can also click Insert from the menu bar > Link to open the box to add a link.

Tip: You can use the keyboard shortcut ‘Command + K’ (Mac) or ‘Control + K’ (Windows) to open the ‘Search or Paste Link’ box.

Select the text and click Insert link

Step 4: In this box, add the link address you want to hyperlink with the text.

Step 5: Once the relevant URL has been added, click Apply. You can also press the enter key.

Add the hyperlink URL and click Apply

This will add a hyperlink in Google Docs. If you are not satisfied with the added URL and want to change or remove it, Google Docs also gives you the option to edit or remove the hyperlink. Here’s how to do it.

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Edit Hyperlinks in Google Docs Desktop

Step 1: In your Google Doc, click the link you want to edit.

Step 2: From the options, tap the Edit link icon.

Click the hyperlink and click Edit

Step 3: Then, edit the link text or URL.

Step 4: Once done, click Apply.

Edit the URL or text and click Apply

This will edit the Google Docs hyperlink.

Remove hyperlinks from the Google Docs desktop

Step 1: Open the relevant Google Doc and click on the hyperlink.

Step 2: Then, click the Remove link icon.

Click the hyperlink and click Remove Link

This will remove the hyperlink from the selected text.

How to create hyperlinks in the Google Docs mobile app

You can also create or add hyperlinks in your documents using the Google Docs app for Android and iOS. Follow these steps to do that.

Step 1: In the Google Docs mobile app, open the relevant document.

Step 2: Click on the pencil icon to start editing.

Step 3: Select the text you want to hyperlink, and when the options appear, tap the three-dot icon.

Tap the pencil icon to editSelect the text and tap more

Step 4: Scroll down and select the Insert link option.

Step 5: From the options, tap the relevant link address. Alternatively, you can also copy and paste the link address.

Step 6: After the link address is added, click on the checkmark.

Click Insert linkAdd the URL and tap Done

This will create a hyperlink in your document. However, in addition to adding the hyperlink, you also have the option to edit or remove the hyperlink. This is the way.

Edit Google Docs Mobile App Hyperlinks

Step 1: Open your document in Google Docs and make sure it’s in edit mode.

Step 2: Click on your previously added link. Then select Edit Link.

Tap the pencil icon to editTap the hyperlink and tap Edit Link

Step 3: Here, edit the link text or address in the link field.

Step 4: Click the tick to save the changes.

Edit the link or text and tap Apply

This will save the edited version of the hyperlink in your Google Docs.

Remove hyperlinks from Google Docs mobile app

Step 1: Open your document in edit mode.

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Step 2: Click on the relevant hyperlink and select Remove link.

Tap the pencil icon to editTap the hyperlink and tap Remove link

This will immediately remove the hyperlink in your Google Docs.

3 different ways to add hyperlinks to Google Docs

Traditionally, you just copied and pasted the URL directly from the address bar. But did you know you can also search for links using the ‘Search or Paste Link’ box? Let’s take a look at all the different ways you can use to add hyperlinks in Google Docs.

Add a link using Google Search

1. Add a link using Google Search

The search link box also doubles as a Google search box. Here you can enter a website name or address and Google will automatically suggest links related to it. You can also get Google suggestions related to selected text.

However, the service is not comprehensive, and sometimes, you may not find the right URL to hyperlink your document.

File or image link

2. File or image association

Now, if the address links to an existing Google Docs document, you can type the name of the document, and when it appears in the search results, select it to associate it with the text.

While this will hyperlink the document file with the text, make sure your document permissions are updated accordingly. You can also link an image in Google Docs using this method. Upload the image to your Google Drive and link it using the search link box.

Click Paste to add a hyperlink

3. Add direct link

The easiest way to add a hyperlink to a Google Doc is to type or copy and paste the link into the search link box. While it’s easier to enter the link address if it’s a short one, it’s a good idea to copy and paste it if it’s a long one.

To do that, after the link address is copied, right click in the search link box and select Paste from the options to paste in the box. Then click Apply to finish adding it.

How to link to a specific paragraph or page in Google Docs

In addition to creating hyperlinks in Google Docs, you can also create shareable links to specific parts of a document. This can be useful if you want someone to jump to a specific point in your document. Follow the steps below to do that.

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Step 1: Open the relevant document in Google Docs.

Step 2: Move the cursor to the beginning of the paragraph or page where you want to provide a direct link.

Move your cursor at the beginning of the text

Step 3: Then go to the menu bar and click Insert. Here, scroll down and click Bookmarks.

Click Insert and click Bookmarks

Step 4: Once the bookmark is created, click Copy link.

Click Copy Link

Now paste this link in your email or other apps. After the recipient clicks the link, it will lead them to the beginning of a specific paragraph or page in your document.

FAQ about adding hyperlinks in Google Docs

1. Can I remove all hyperlinks at once in Google Docs?

While Google Docs doesn’t have any native support for removing all hyperlinks at once, there is a way you can do this. Just copy all your content and use the ‘Paste without formatting’ option to paste it into another document file. This will remove all hyperlinks. However, doing this will also remove any previously applied text formatting.

2. Is there a way to fix Google Docs hyperlinks if they don’t work properly?

If your Google Docs hyperlink is not working properly, double check the added URL and make sure the link is working. You can also try removing and re-adding the hyperlink and see if it works properly.

Add that hyperlink

So these are all the ways you can create hyperlinks in Google Docs. We hope that this guide has helped you make your document more comprehensive with the addition of URLs. You can also check out our guide on how to create and insert a signature in Google Docs.

Categories: How to

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