How to Get Windows 7 Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows XP

Our Windows 7 keyboard shortcuts article went viral after it was published. It is clear from the large number of visitors and comments it receives that people like the shortcuts mentioned and find them useful. So we thought why not find a way to have the same keyboard shortcuts on Windows XP.

If you are using Windows 7 at home, but your work or old laptop is still running Windows XP, you may find it inconvenient to not be able to use the hotkeys that you are familiar with in Windows 7. In this article, I will introduce 2 tools that can help you somewhat with that problem.

1. Windows 7 Keyboard Shortcuts

Windows 7 Shortcuts can enable some useful Windows 7 shortcuts for Windows XP. It was created by one of the readers of the popular productivity blog Lifehacker and written in AutoHotkey. Therefore, you can always add scripts to the source code if you are an AHK user.

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The tool adds some important Windows 7 keyboard shortcuts such as Win+left/right/up/down arrows to move the active window, win+space to quickly display the desktop, and win+home to minimize all windows except the active one.

2. WinHotKey

A little different from Windows 7 Shortcuts, WinHotKey is a small program that helps you configure system-wide hotkeys. You can set keyboard shortcuts to get the same functions as Windows 7. (Although there are some differences in the key sequence.)

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As shown in the screenshot above, WinHotKey has some built-in hotkeys to perform common tasks. For example, press Win+I and you can launch Internet Explorer.

You can click the “New Key” button to define a new system-wide hotkey.

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You can create all kinds of shortcuts with this software. Let’s take the action “Maximize active window” (hotkey Win + Up Arrow in Windows 7) as an example. Define the key sequence (here I put “Windows+W”), then select “Control current window”, “Maximize on screen”.

Click OK and now you can maximize the active window by pressing Win+W. That’s it. That’s how you can do it with other keyboard shortcuts as well.

Windows XP users, do you know any other such tools? Please share in the comments.

Categories: How to

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