How to Get Back Android’s Ticker Notifications

With the Android Lollipop update, lock screen notifications and highlight notifications were introduced as one of the major updates and most users enjoyed it. I also love the idea of ​​viewing and interacting with notifications directly from the lock screen. But the warning message is more annoying than helpful.

Headsup announcementLet’s get back the good ticker message

I would appreciate it if my droid just notifies me without disturbing me when I’m doing. Recently, I started to miss good ticker announcements. But the good thing about Android is that there is always an alternative and today we are going to look at two of them.

But before we dive into this topic, let’s first discuss what Alert messages are and how they differ from Ticker notifications.

Beware of ticker announcements

The Heads Up notification system introduced in Android Lollipop displays a floating notification bar at the top edge of the screen. They’re always at the top, and no matter if you’re sending an email or taking on the role of the boss of a thrilling game, they’ll come naturally.

Announcement Head Up1

Ticker notifications are the ones we’ve been using on Android since its inception. Of course most of us never knew its technical name, but it has helped us a lot over the years. These messages show up in the status panel and don’t interfere while you’re working on other apps. They will just notify you and at the end you have the choice to open it from the notification drawer or leave it for later.

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Personally, I prefer the ticker notification to the previous one, and I plan to change things up on my phone today. So, if you think so too and are ready to bring a ticker announcement, read on.

Turn off warning messages

HeadsOff is a pretty neat app, available directly from the Play Store, using which you can turn off alert notifications on your Android. The app works without any root access, but you need to give it access to read all incoming notifications on your phone. Once you do that, just open the app and start the service.

Notifications on Android Lillipop 4Notifications on Android Lillipop 2

By default, the app turns off all apps that send notifications, but you can choose apps selectively. In WILLsetting you have the option to enable ticket notifications, but in the free option it doesn’t seem to work. There is an option to make mandatory notifications in the paid version, but I’m not ready to take the chance yet. Instead, I found an alternative to it.

Notifications on Android Lillipop 5

Ticklr for Android Lollipop

Ticklr for Android is another app that brings ticker notifications to Android lollipop devices. Just like HeadOff, you need to give it notification access so it can read incoming notifications and notify you. Here you can also select apps, if you just want it on individual apps. By default, it is selected for all.

Notifications on Android Lillipop 7

The free version can be used without any restrictions. However, you do have the option to get the app’s color on the notification panel and individual app controls for just $1.49. Go ahead if you really love your ticker token.

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Notifications on Android Lillipop 9


These are two apps you can use to disable warning notifications and enable bookmarks on your Android Lollipop device. Both apps work side-by-side, but you can try and see if just HeadsOff works for you. And before you leave, don’t forget to mention one reason why you came back to the ticker announcement. For me it’s gaming.

Categories: How to

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