How to Fix Windows 10 Calculator Missing Issue

One of the oldest Windows applications is Calculator. It is also one of the most basic and probably the most used. Windows Calculator received a major update with version 10. There are now various calculators in menu and memory feature to save previous calculations. However, all of these features are useless if the Calculator is missing or simply fails to launch.

Fix missing Windows 10 computers

Windows 10 PCs have come a long way since its humble beginnings. And you’ll also find a calculator on your smartphone, but it’s not always convenient to switch back and forth. If you spend many hours working on the computer, it becomes difficult to pick up the phone every time you want to use the computer.

Here are some solutions to resolve the error(s) and restore the Missing Computer in Windows 10.

Let’s get started.

1. Update OS and Applications

Windows 10 PC is now open source, so I don’t think there is a code related problem. There may have been a conflict and the Microsoft team has released a patch that you have not downloaded. First, open Settings by pressing Windows key + I on your keyboard and select Update & Security at the bottom.

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In the Windows Update tab on the left, you can check for new updates and install them. Usually you can see what is an update and maybe there is some mention of an app?

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Next, we’ll see if there’s an update to the Calculator app itself. Open the Windows Store and click the menu icon to select Downloads and updates.

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You will see a list of all available updates here. If you see an update for the Calculator app, click the Update All button immediately to update all apps.

Fix missing Windows 10 4 . computer

If no update is available or doesn’t solve your Computer missing issue, read on.

2. Restart

Normally, when you update your OS, Windows 10 will automatically restart. If not, I suggest you to restart it manually once as this step can help solve the problem. Try it.

3. Desktop shortcut

Maybe the Calculator app doesn’t launch from the Start menu for some reason. It happens sometimes, and some users have reported that creating a desktop shortcut helped. There are a few ways to do this.

The easiest way is to search for the Calculator app in Windows Search, right-click and select the Pin to taskbar option. Once the shortcut is added to the Taskbar, you can drag and drop it to the desktop.

Fix missing computer Windows 10 5

If this doesn’t work or you can’t see the calculator app when you search for it in Windows Search, right-click anywhere on the desktop and select Shortcut under New.

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Browse to the location where the Calculator app is installed and click Next in the pop-up window.

C:\Windows\System32\calc.exeFix missing computer Windows 10 7

Choose a name for the shortcut and click Finish.

Fix missing computer Windows 10 8

Now you can access the Calculator app from your desktop without having to search for it every time you want to use it.

4. Troubleshooting

Windows 10 comes with a built-in Troubleshooting option that can find and resolve many problems related to the default Windows operating system and apps for you. Open Settings by pressing Windows key + I on your keyboard and search for ‘troubleshooting app’ without quotes. Select Find and fix problems with Microsoft Store Apps.

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Fix missing computer Windows 10 9

Click Apply automatic repair and click Next. Follow the on-screen instructions then if applicable and restart your PC when done to check if the Missing Computer is found again.

Fix Windows 10 PC Missing Issues 10

5. Reset

If you think the Calculator application files are corrupted, there is a way to reset the application and fix all the files. Open Settings as you did above and click on Apps.

Troubleshooting Windows 10 13 . PC Missing

Scroll a bit to find and click Calculator here. You will see Advanced options.

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Scroll a bit to find the Reset option. Click on it and when prompted restart your computer to check for the missing computer problem again.

Fix Windows 10 15 . computer missing issue

6. Uninstall and reinstall

So how do you uninstall the missing app in the first place? The first answer appears in the Dashboard. We used it to uninstall apps forever. But it only works for third party apps. Here are the steps to uninstall Calculator, a system app.

Open Command Prompt with administrator privileges from Windows Search. Type the commands below into CMD and press Enter.

powershell get-appxpackage *Microsoft.WindowsCalculator* | uninstall apk Troubleshooting Windows 10 12 PC Missing

You can now search and install the Windows Calculator app from the Microsoft Store or follow this link instead.


I usually use my smartphone for quick calculations even though I spend most of my time in front of the laptop. If you use a Windows 10 Computer and can’t get it to work, one of the above solutions should work.

Next: Windows Calculator app still missing or not working on your computer? Here are some of the best alternatives that you must try today. They bring more features to the table.

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Categories: How to

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