How to Fix “Recently deleted” Not Showing on Instagram

Is the “Recently Deleted” option not showing on Instagram?

The option allows you to see recently deleted posts on Instagram.

This includes photos, videos, stories, and film reels.

However, you can only restore them within 30 days.

Many users are struggling to find the “Recently Deleted” option because it seems to be missing.

In this guide, you’ll learn why you can’t see “Recent Options” on Instagram and where to find it if it’s not visible/missing.

  • Why can’t I see what’s recently deleted on Instagram?
  • How to fix “Recently Deleted” error not showing on Instagram
  • Has Instagram been deleted recently?

Why can’t I see what’s recently deleted on Instagram?

You can’t see recently deleted photos on Instagram because their location has moved.

Previously, you could find recently deleted posts in your settings.

However, Instagram has changed the location of the “Recently Deleted” option.

Instead of your settings, the option has turned to “Your Activity”.

The “Your Activity” page launched in February 2022.

The page allows you to view and manage your posts on Instagram.

Many users were unaware of the change because Instagram didn’t specify it.

How to fix “Recently Deleted” error not showing on Instagram

To fix “Recently Deleted” not showing on Instagram, you need to go to “Your Activity”.

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Since the beginning of 2022, Instagram has changed the location of the “Recently Deleted” option.

Instead of your settings, the option has turned to “Your Activity”.

You can find the “Your Activity” option by navigating to your profile and opening the menu.

After you open the menu, tap “Your Activity”.

Finally, scroll down the page and tap on “Recently Deleted” to manage your recently deleted posts.

From there, you’ll be able to restore or permanently delete your Instagram posts.

Here’s how to fix the “Recently Deleted” error not showing on Instagram:

1. Go to “Your Activity”

Recently deleted not showing on Instagram

First, you need to visit the “Your Activity” page.

To do so, tap your profile picture on the bottom navigation bar.

After tapping on your profile picture, you’ll go to your Instagram profile.

Tap the menu on the top navigation bar of your Instagram profile.

After tapping the menu, you’ll see several options.

This includes “Settings”, “Your Activity”, “Storage”, etc.

Tap “Your Activity” to jump to your activity.

2. Select “Recently Deleted”

After tapping on “Your Activity”, you will switch to your activity.

From here, you’ll be able to manage your activity on Instagram.

This includes viewing and managing your photos, videos, account history, etc.

This page contains many options—”Time Used”, “Photos & Videos”, “Interactions”, etc.

Scroll to the bottom of the page and you’ll see a “Recently Deleted” option.

Tap “Recently Deleted” to start managing your content on Instagram.

3. View your recently deleted posts

After you tap on “Recently Deleted”, you will arrive at the “Recently Deleted” page.

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Here you’ll be able to manage your recently deleted photos, stories, and reels.

You can restore those posts or delete them permanently.

You can do so by selecting the post that you want to restore or delete and tap on the corresponding action.

As you can see, the “Recently Deleted” option is no longer in your settings, but on the “Your Activity” page.

From now on, if you want to manage your recently deleted posts on Instagram, you need to navigate to that page.

Has Instagram been deleted recently?

No, Instagram does not remove the “Recently Deleted” option.

Instead, they moved the position of the option.

Previously, this option was usually in your settings.

As of early 2022, its location has changed to the “Your Activity” page.

You can find this page by navigating to your Instagram profile > Menu > Your Activity > Recently Deleted.

This page allows you to manage your content and interactions on Instagram in bulk.

That way you don’t have to navigate all over the place to do so.


Instagram announced the “Your Activity” feature in a blog post titled “#SaferInternetDay”.

In the blog post, Instagram mentioned that they are testing a new experience.

This experience allows anyone to view and manage their Instagram activity in one place.

As a result, the “Your Activity” feature was implemented.

This feature allows anyone to manage their content and interactions with ease.

However, Instagram does not mention that the update has changed the location of many options.

Some options include “Recently Deleted” and “Posts You Liked”.

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Categories: Social Media

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