How to Increase Your Snapchat Score in 2021

Looking to increase your Snapchat score?

In this tutorial you will learn how to increase your Snap score quickly (with pictures).

This guide has helped a lot of Snapchat users increase their Snap Score by hundreds, if not thousands.

At the end of this tutorial, you should be able to apply these steps immediately to achieve your desired Snap Score.

How to increase your Snapchat score

To increase your Snapchat score, open Snapchat, tap the search bar, subscribe to some popular snapshot stars, and keep sending them snaps until you reach your desired score.

By using this method you can increase your score quickly without having to spam your friends.

Here’s how to increase your Snapchat score:

  1. Check your Snapchat score
  2. Tap the search bar
  3. More popular Snap stars
  4. Take a picture
  5. Send photos to the popular Snap Stars
  6. Take another photo
  7. Send photos to “Last Snap”
  8. Check Your Snapchat Score Again
  9. Rinse and repeat

1. Check your Snapchat score

Snapchat Score

First, you need to check your initial Snapchat score.

Open Snapchat and tap your profile picture (in the top left corner of the screen).

The number that appears below your name (in the rectangular box) is your Snapchat Score.

In this case, my Initial Snapchat Score was 385.

You need to check your original Snapchat Score as you will later want to compare it with your new score after completing all the steps.

Otherwise you won’t be able to tell if this method will work or not.

Let’s see if I can increase my score in the next steps.

2. Tap the search bar

Snapchat Search

Next, tap on the search bar located in the top navigation bar.

The search bar is at the top of each screen, so you won’t have any trouble finding it.

After tapping search, you’ll come to a page with multiple sections.

There are a total of 8 sections on the search page—Recent, Games & Minis, Quick Add, Popular Snap Stars, Trending Lenses, Popular Games, Popular Shows, and Top Publishers.

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You’ll really only need to care about one of those sections.

Move on to the next step to find out which one.

3. More popular Snap stars

How to increase snap points

Once you are on the search page, scroll down and find the section called “Popular Snapshot Stars”.

This section contains the most popular users on Snapchat, also known as “Snap Stars”.

The “Popular Snapshot Stars” section usually contains a list of well-known celebrities.

Additionally, a “Gold Star” indicates that the person is verified on Snapchat.

Once you’re on the “Popular Snap Stars” section, go ahead and sign up everyone on the list.

This will add them as friends on Snapchat so you can start sending them snapshots.

Adding a celebrity on Snapchat is a great way to increase your Snap Score.

Celebrities get a lot of snapshots from random people, so sending them a snapshot won’t make a difference.

The reason you want to add celebrities is because they don’t usually add you back.

These celebrities get snapshots every day from random people, so sending them a snapshot won’t make any difference.

On the other hand, if you send a lot of snaps to the average person, they will probably block you for spam.

Unless you have a friend willing to work with, you shouldn’t spam them with snaps.

4. Take pictures

take a photo

After you have signed up for a few “Snap Stars”, go ahead and snap a random photo.

You can do so by tapping the “Circle” icon.

You can cover the camera if you don’t want people snooping around.

To do that, you can place your phone on a flat surface and tap the “Circle” icon.

Once you’ve taken the photo, move on to the next step.

5. Send photos to famous Snap Stars

Snapchat recently

Once you’re done taking a photo, tap the “Arrow” icon in the bottom-right corner of the screen.

This will take you to a page where you can choose who to send your snapshot to.

Once you have signed up for “Snap Star” from step #3, you will be able to send them a snapshot.

The “Snap Stars” that you have recently subscribed to will be in the “Recents” section.

The general idea is to send multiple snapshots to all the “Snap Stars” you just signed up for.

In the “Recents” section, you’ll want to tap on all the “Snap Stars” you just signed up for.

Then, tap the “Arrow” icon at the bottom right of the screen to send them a snapshot.

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Make sure you don’t accidentally hit the wrong user (e.g. best friend).

6. Take another photo

Snapchat take pictures

After you have submitted your snap to the “Snap Stars” you just signed up for, go ahead and take another photo.

Taking multiple photos will greatly increase your shooting score.

At the end of the day, your Snapchat Score is increased by the number of photos you have sent to others.

So the more snaps you send, the higher your Snapchat score will be.

7. Send photos to “Last Snap”

How to increase your snap score

After you’ve taken another photo, tap the “arrow” icon at the bottom right of the screen.

Then, tap on “Last Snap” located under “Recents”.

The “Last Snapshot” feature gives you the ability to send snapshots to people you’ve taken photos of before.

The “Last Snapshot” feature allows you to send a snapshot to a list of people you’ve photographed before.

This means you can seamlessly send snaps to the “Snap Stars” group you recently subscribed to using the “Last Snap” feature.

By using the “Last Snapshot” feature, you don’t have to manually select the users to whom you want to send your snapshot, which makes the process much easier.

8. Check Your Snapchat Score Again


Finally, navigate back to your profile and check your Snapchat Score.

Please note that you may have to reload Snapchat to update your score.

You can do so by force closing the app and reopening it.

Start Snapchat Score: 385

Snapchat score at the end: 399

If you remember, my Snapchat Score was originally 385.

Now, my Snapchat Score is 399, up 14 points.

Remember that in this tutorial, I’m only sending two snaps in a row to 7 users.

If you want to drastically increase your Snapchat Score, you can apply for more “Snap Stars” (ex: 50).

Then, send a snapshot to 50 of the “Snap Stars” you signed up for.

Each time you send them a snapshot, your Snapchat Score will increase by 50.

9. Rinse and repeat

Continue repeating steps #4 through #7 until you reach your desired Snapchat Score.

The more “Snap Stars” you subscribe to, the more snaps you can send at once.

For example, if you signed up for 50 “Snap Stars”, you can only send 50 snaps at a time.

However, if you have signed up for 100 “Snap Stars”, you can send 100 snaps at a time.

This will increase your snapshot score by 100 whenever you send a snapshot to your “Last Capture”.

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If you are hoping to increase your snap score to 1,000, you need to repeat this process 20 times if you have already signed up for 50 “Snap Stars”.

Frequently asked questions

How do you get a higher score on Snapchat?

To get a higher score on Snapchat, you need to send more snapshots to others.

Your Snapchat score goes up when you send a snap to someone else.

So the more snaps you send to others, the higher your score will be.

Taking more photos/videos directly from Snapchat and sending them to your friends/celebs will increase your score.

However, sending messages does not increase your Snapchat Score, so you can try avoiding it.

How do you get your snap score to 1000?

To increase your snapchats to 1,000, you can sign up for 100 “Snap Stars” and send them all in 10 consecutive snaps.

You can do so by tapping the search bar, scrolling down to “Snap Stars” and registering a user in the list.

You can also search for usernames/names of random celebrities and subscribe to them.

Do this until you subscribe to 50 or 100 celebrities.

If you’ve signed up with 50 celebrities, you’ll need to send them 20 consecutive snapshots to increase your Snapchat Score by 1,000.

On the other hand, if you’ve signed up with 100 celebrities, you’ll need to send them 10 consecutive snapshots to increase your Snapchat Score by 1,000.

Can you Snapchat yourself to increase your score?

Yes, you can Snapchat yourself to increase your score.

You can do so by searching for your username on Snapchat and adding yourself.

Once you’ve added yourself on Snapchat, you can send multiple snapshots of yourself to boost your score.

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Categories: Social Media

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