How to Fix Axie Infinity Lag

Are you experiencing lag on Axie Infinity?

Adventure mode or arena mode not starting?

Or are you experiencing disconnection issues in the game?

If that’s the case then you need to fix it so you can start playing.

Axie Infinity has exploded in number of users in just a few weeks.

As of July 2021, the game has over 250,000 daily active users (data from the Axie Infinity website).

The huge amount of users took a toll on their servers, which made the game unplayable.

As a result, you may experience severe disconnection and lag issues.

Team Axie Infinity be aware of server problemsAnd their engineer is working hard to fix them.

In the meantime, you can follow this guide to fix or reduce lag on your Axie Infinity so you can start playing the game.

How to fix Axie Infinity . lag

To fix the lag of Axie Infinity, you need to view quests, battle logs, inventory and let them load accordingly.

If one or more of them don’t load after a minute, restart the game and watch them again.

If your quests, battle log and inventory are loaded successfully, the game will be able to start.

This includes adventure mode and arena mode.

However, this does not have a 100% success rate because the lag is caused by the Axie Infinity end and not yours.

That said, most users have managed to start the game after they have uploaded all their data.

This also includes looking at the rating data and letting it load.

The idea is to sync all your data with the game’s database.

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As of July 2021, the group Axie Infinity is working on server troubleshooting.

Until then, you may experience poor service in the game like lag and frequent disconnects.

Here’s how to fix Axie Infinity’s lag:

  1. See your mission
  2. Go to your battle log
  3. Open your inventory

1. View your mission

How to fix Axie Infinity . lag

The first step is to view your tasks and let them load.

This is to synchronize your quests with the game.

First, log in to Mavis Hub and open Axie Infinity.

After entering the game, you will see a “Mission” icon at the top of the screen.

Click the “Tasks” icon to view your tasks.

Axie Infinity Quest

After you click on the “Tasks” icon, you will see your daily tasks.

However, your daily tasks will take a while to load.

Your daily tasks will usually take 30 seconds to 1 minute to load.

Therefore, you need to be patient and wait for your tasks to finish loading.

If your quest doesn’t load after a minute or more, you need to restart the game and click the “Mission” icon again.

Once your daily tasks have finished loading, you’ll be able to see them under the “Tasks” heading.

Close your tasks once the load is done and move on to the next step.

2. Access your battle log

Axie Infinity . disconnect problem

The second step is to access your battle log and let it load.

On the game’s home page, you’ll see a “Scroll” icon.

The “Scroll” icon is below the “Arena” button.

First, click the “Scroll” icon to jump to your battle log.

Axie Infinity Battle Diary

After you click the “Scroll” icon, your battle log will begin to load.

You will see a blank page during the loading process.

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Your battle log will usually take 30 seconds to 1 minute to load.

Sometimes it may take more than 1 minute to load.

Therefore, you need to be patient and wait for your battle log to finish loading before you can close it.

If your battle log has finished loading, you will see your victory and defeat history.

If your battle log still won’t load after a few minutes, restart the game and try opening it again.

Once your battle log has finished loading, close it and proceed to the final step.

3. Open your inventory

Axie Infinity Inventory

The final step is to open your inventory and let it load.

On the Axie Infinity homepage, you will see an “Inventory” icon.

The “Inventory” icon is located at the bottom left of the homepage.

Click the “Inventory” icon to go to your warehouse.

Axie Infinity Inventory

After you click “Inventory”, your inventory will be opened.

However, due to server issues on the Axie Infinity, it may take a while to start loading.

Therefore, you need to wait for your repository to finish loading.

Your inventory will typically take 30 seconds to 1 minute to load.

If it still won’t load after a few minutes, you need to restart the game and open it again.

Once your inventory has finished loading, you need to close it.

Now that you’ve loaded your quests, battle log, and inventory, you’ll be able to start playing the game.

This is because your data has been synced with the game.

Now, you can try to start the game mode and see if it works.

Click “Adventure” to start playing adventure mode.

On the other hand, if you want to play arena mode, click “Arena”.

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This time you will be able to successfully start adventure mode and arena mode.

If you’re still having trouble starting game mode, try restarting the game and repeating steps 1 through 3.

Alternatively, you can wait until the Axie Infinity team fixes the server issue.

Also you can follow Axie Infinity on Twitter for updates on their game.

You have successfully learned how to fix Axie Infinity’s lag!


Axie Infinity has grown its user base from 10,000 to 250,000 daily active users in just a few months.

According to SimilarWeb, had over 4 million visitors to their site in the last 30 days.

Also, the site is ranked 2nd in the financial category.

Unfortunately, the game’s explosive user growth resulted in server crashes.

This includes latency and disconnection issues that make the game unplayable.

Axie Infinity is losing a lot of players and revenue due to these issues.

Therefore, fixing these server issues should be Axie Infinity’s top priority.

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