How to Easily Delete Website Accounts

We’ve all needed to delete an account on a website before. Whether this is due to an email address switch or just to make sure you get rid of a bunch of annoying emails altogether, sometimes deleting a website account can be quite frustrating.

scrap paper

That’s where comes in to save time. This online tool is a great collection of links that can make deleting website accounts easy. However, it should be noted that some accounts unfortunately cannot be deleted.

How it works

At the time of this writing, has a directory of 477 links intended to make it easier to delete your account for various services.

Just delete the 1 . large image

Note: Even without actually clicking on them, the color-coded links seen above give users information about the difficulty they will face when trying to delete their account. Below, the meanings of the different color boxes are highlighted.

Color Jusdelete

Deleting accounts associated with websites marked in green is quite simple and usually involves only a few steps. For example, see the description for Todoist. After logging into your account, just scroll to the bottom of the page, click the delete my account button, re-enter your password, and the account will be deleted.

Just delete 1 2

Sites highlighted in yellow require a bit more work as can be seen with SurveyMonkey. The steps here are a good on-board representation of the sites highlighted in yellow.

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Those highlighted in red require even more work and the company will need to be contacted to facilitate the removal process.

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Finally, unfortunately, websites listed with a black background simply cannot be removed, which is actually quite annoying. This is the case with Starbucks.

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Just delete 4 1


If you’re using Google Chrome, there’s a downloadable extension that makes it easier to delete accounts. If you visit a website located in the directory, a traffic light icon will appear in the address bar.

Note: The color of the ‘traffic light’ corresponds to the color on the website indicating the difficulty a person has when trying to delete an account. Clicking on the icon will take you to the link you need to visit to delete your account.

Just delete 5

There is also a fake identity function on the website that allows users to quickly create fake information for cases such as a website they designate for one-time use. This is sometimes the case and people may not want to reveal any personal information in the process.

Just remove the fake identity


It can be frustrating not being able to remove an account from a site that is no longer needed. Many of us probably just give up when faced with unnecessary hardships.

The information associated with these accounts is ours and we reserve the right to delete it if we so desire. It sometimes seems like companies try to make it as difficult as possible to get rid of their services in an attempt to keep their numbers at a certain level.

Unfortunately, this is probably just going to leave people pretty frustrated. A more effective way might be to ask users who want to leave feedback. This makes sense since one can understand why a company wants to know why customers leave. The feedback provided can greatly help the company to improve. This is perfectly fine but please don’t make us stay when we don’t want to.

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What do you think?

Is this something that you will find useful? Also, if you have any other tips or tricks for deleting a website account, please let us know in our forum.

Categories: How to

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