3 Ways to Contact OnlyFans

Do you have a problem or question on the OnlyFans website?

Maybe you haven’t received your money yet.

Or maybe you’re having trouble uploading the video to the website.

Either way, the best way to get help is to contact OnlyFans support.

On social media platforms like Instagram, it is nearly impossible to contact customer support.

Unlike Instagram, it’s easier to contact OnlyFans and you’ll always get a human response.

In this article, you’ll learn how to contact OnlyFans support in three ways if you have a problem or question.

How to contact OnlyFans

To contact OnlyFans, you can create a ticket, email them or ping them on Twitter.

Alternatively, you can visit their help center to get answers to frequently asked questions.

Creating tickets requires you to log into your OnlyFans account.

You then need to visit the help center and select the “Take me to support” link at the bottom of the center.

If you want to email OnlyFans, you can find their email address on their Twitter account.

Finally, you can ping them on their Twitter account by mentioning them in a tweet or sending them a direct message.

There’s no fixed time on how quickly you’ll get a response from them, but it’s best to contact them using one of the three ways first.

If you don’t get a response from them after one or more business days, you can try contacting them by other means.

Below are detailed instructions on how you can contact OnlyFans support.

  1. Create tickets
  2. email them
  3. Ping them on Twitter

1. Create tickets

Tickets OnlyFans

Sign in to your OnlyFans account > profile icon > Help and support > Take me to support > All requests > Create request > Select question > Add details > Attach file (optional) select) > Create request.

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The first way you can contact OnlyFans is to create a ticket.

To create a ticket, you must visit the OnlyFans website and log in to your account.

After you log in to your account, select the profile icon on the bottom navigation bar.

Once you have selected the profile icon, a menu will be opened.

On the menu, there will be several options that you can go to—My Profile, Bookmarks, etc.

Scroll further down the menu and you should see an option that says “Help and support”.

Select “Help and support” to go to OnlyFans help center.

On the OnlyFans help center, scroll down until you see the “Take me to support” link.

Select the link to view your ticket purchase history.

On the ticket page, select the “Create Ticket” button to create a ticket.

Then, select a question from the help center and add details about your issue.

Finally, attach an image of the issue (optional) and select “Create Ticket” to create a ticket.

Once the ticket is created, it will be moved to the “Open Tickets” tab.

OnlyFans will usually respond to your request in one to three business days.

If the request is resolved, it will be moved to the “Resolved claims” tab.

Otherwise, if the request is closed, it will be moved to the “Closed Tickets” tab.

You have successfully contacted OnlyFans support by creating a ticket!

There are two other ways you can contact OnlyFans support—by email or on Twitter.

2. Email them

Emails from fans

Send your questions and issues to [email protected].

The second way you can contact OnlyFans is by emailing them.

OnlyFans has several official email addresses—[email protected] and [email protected].

The email address [email protected] is for user inquiries.

On the other hand, the [email protected] email address is reserved for the media and press.

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If you have any questions or problems with the OnlyFans website, you can contact them via [email protected].

Be sure to include the subject line of your request, its details, and the attachment (optional).

Try to ask your question or explain your problem in as much detail as possible.

After you send a message, OnlyFans will usually take one to three business days to respond to the message.

Be patient and don’t send follow-up emails before that.

3. Ping them on Twitter

Support OnlyFans

Open Twitter > Compose a tweet > Ask a question/explain your problem > tag @OnlyFansSupport > post.

Open Twitter > go to @OnlyFansSupport > mail icon > submit your question/problem.

The last way you can contact OnlyFans is to ping them on Twitter.

You can do that in two ways.

First, you can post a tweet about your question/issue and tag @OnlyFansSupport.

Alternatively, you can send them a direct message about your question/problem.

To post a tweet about your question/issue, tap the feather icon (on mobile) or the tweet icon (on desktop).

Then ask questions/explain your problem in detail and tag OnlyFans with @OnlyFansSupport in your tweet.

Here is an example of a tweet, “How do I deactivate my OnlyFans account? @OnlyFansSupport”.

A more effective way to contact OnlyFans on Twitter is to send them a direct message.

You can do that by visiting their Twitter support page and selecting the mail icon on their profile.

Then ask a question/explain your problem in detail and send a message.

You’ll most likely get a human response in one to three business days.

Remember to tag @OnlyFansSupport and not @OnlyFans.

If you tag @OnlyFans instead of @OnlyFansSupport, you may not get a response as they won’t address the issues/questions.

Frequently asked questions

What is OnlyFans’ email?

Here is the official OnlyFans email address:

For user questions: [email protected].

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For Media and Press inquiries: [email protected].

If you’d like to reach them with a question or issue, you can email them at [email protected].

Otherwise, if you want to contact them about media and press inquiries, use [email protected].

Does OnlyFans have Twitter?

Yes, OnlyFans has two official Twitter accounts.

Here is the official OnlyFans Twitter account:

OnlyFans official Twitter: @OnlyFans.

OnlyFans’ Twitter support: @OnlyFansSupport.

Twitter account @OnlyFans for website creator announcements (e.g. scream).

On the other hand, Twitter account @OnlyFansSupport reports problems, errors, etc on the website.


If you have any questions or problems on the OnlyFans app, the best way to get help is to contact OnlyFans support.

You can do so by creating a request in the help center, emailing them, or messaging them on Twitter.

If you don’t get a response from them after one or more business days, try using another method to contact them.

But due to the overwhelming number of users on the platform, you have to be willing to wait for a while to get a response.

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Lim How Wei is the founder of Followchain. Follow him on Instagram.

Categories: How to
Source: thpttranhungdao.edu.vn/en/

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