How to Download Any Online Video or Audio in Firefox Using UnPlug

Nearly every second website these days is embedded with multimedia. So there comes a time when you want to download an interesting video and store it offline or transfer it to a portable device like a mobile phone. If you do most of your browsing in Firefox, a useful Firefox add-on called UnPlug might be the download tool you’re looking for.

The Open Source UnPlug extension works on most of the famous websites with embedded Flash, audio and video games. That includes core sites like YouTube, Metacafe, and Vimeo. Here is the complete list of supported sites.

Plugging in Unplug

Immediately after installing the extension, the Install dialog box displays. You can work through four tabs to set up UnPlug for your upcoming video download. Here is a small guide…

You can opt-in to allow the extension to collect information on websites where you use UnPlug for development purposes. For privacy’s sake, it is disabled by default.

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The integration gives you four options for accessing UnPlug. You can uncheck one or two to keep things less crowded. For instance, I want to keep my right-click menu neat.


Media Discovery shows you the location of the Rules file and an option to show an inactive download record.

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Downloads is where you configure how the extension will handle media downloads. You can also set up supported download extensions that Unplug works with like DownloadThemAll and FlashGot. An external tool like VLC can also be set up.

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Grab a video with UnPlug

Unplug is now configured to handle video downloads as we jump and skip web pages. When you come across a potential video to download, you can use whatever preferred method you have set up. For example, click Tools -> Unplug, or quickly use the right-click context menu anywhere on the page other than the video player.

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UnPlug gives you a list of quality formats to choose from. Of course, the download time and file size will depend on your choices. You can also use a variety of quality formats.

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Choose your download location and rename the file if you want.

Downloading videos and carrying them around in portable media players or playing time-wasting offline Flash games is a pastime for many people. It makes sense to have an uncomplicated download helper like UnPlug for this job. Are you a habitual video downloader? How do you compare it to other downloader extensions for Firefox?

Categories: How to

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