How to Disable Stock Apps (like Gtalk) in Android ICS

Almost all factory sealed Android phones come with some pre-installed apps like office suite, Google Talk and other similar apps. These apps are installed as system apps, and as long as you’re not a root user, you won’t be able to uninstall them from the device.

If your Android is running on the latest version of ICS then you can easily disable these native apps using the device settings. The app shutdown feature was introduced in ICS and was not part of earlier versions of Android.

There can be many reasons that one might want to disable native apps. For example, because I use Go Contacts and Go SMS as default contact and SMS managers, I don’t require pre-existing apps to run in the background. Furthermore, a few days ago, after I started using the eBuddy all-in-one messaging app for Android and hence, I also disabled the Gtalk app to solve the problem of multi-account login.

Note: Please do not disable important apps like Google Play Store. It will interfere with the operation of all related applications.

Disable native Android apps in ICS

Step 1: Open your Android device’s settings and navigate to the Apps section.

Disable the Stock Ics 2 appDisable the Stock Ics 3 application

Step 2: In the Applications section, open the All tab. Some devices with smaller screen resolutions may have to swipe the screen from right to left to see the tab.

Disable the Stock Ics 4 appDisable the Stock Ics 8 . app

Step 3: Search for the application you want to disable and select it to open the application’s details page.

Disable Stock Ics 5 app

Step 4: On the app’s details page, tap off button to permanently disable the app. Confirm with a warning pop-up saying that another related app may be misbehaving to make the changes.

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Disable the Stock Ics 6 . app

Note: You’ll only see the kill button when you’re trying to modify the native app. If the app was installed using the Google Play Store or from any other 3rd party source, you’ll see an option to uninstall it instead.

As soon as you close the app, it won’t work anymore. In fact, it will be completely hidden from your app launcher’s app drawer, and you won’t feel like it used to exist on your phone anymore.

If you want to enable the app in the future, you just need to select on button in the app details page from the All app info section.

Disable Stock Ics 7 app

Note: By default, all apps are sorted alphabetically, but after you close an app, it’s sent to the bottom of the list, thus making it easy to spot. Out the application is more disabled.

My judgment

While disabling a native app will limit the app’s activity and hide it from the app drawer, it doesn’t free up any space on your internal ROM. However, I feel it’s better to disable apps that we never use and are just hogging system resources.

Categories: How to

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