How to Create Nested Labels in Gmail For Better Email Organization

Organizing email is a difficult task; one that you normally avoid. But thanks to the introduction of Labels in Gmail, email management has taken on a rather colorful look. Automatically color labeling your incoming emails as well; using Nested Labels to create a simple hierarchy within individual labels is great.

Nested labels were introduced last year and they have come a long way in meeting your inbox sorting and sub-categorizing needs. Here’s a rundown of how nested labels work:

Labels are like folders for your incoming emails. But labels are more flexible because an email can be marked with multiple labels (you can’t put an email in multiple folders). Nested labels are like subfolders. Nested labels can be used to further mark emails that belong to a common label. Labels can be consecutively split as each label ‘nes’ with the labels above it.

Nested labels recently graduated from Labs and became an official feature. Now one can easily create them with just one click. Clicking the label’s downward-pointing arrow on the Gmail sidebar brings up the Add sub-label option in the menu.

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You can see how easy it is to create a sublabel and nest it under another label. In this case, I created a sub-label marked ‘Urgent’ for all emails labeled as ‘Important’.

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Similarly, you can create additional labels and nest them below any labels above them. I created two more items – ‘Warm’ and ‘Cold’ and nested them under the main label of ‘Important’.

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Sub-labels allow you to create a powerful automated email system. For instance, you can use filters to screen your emails as they arrive, and use label-sublabel combinations to mark them up.

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My example is a very basic GTD system. You can nest similar labels together and reduce clutter in the Gmail sidebar. For example, you might have a Label named ‘Social’ and underneath that you can nest labels for Digg, Facebook, Flickr and others. When you need to check social notifications, just expand the social label and do it.

Nested labels make the inbox more colorful and organized. Tell us how you use nested labels in Gmail.

Categories: How to

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