How to Convert Text to Table (and Vice-Versa) in MS Word

Formatting documents in MS Word can be really difficult, but it’s incredibly easy. Confused? The beauty lies in the familiarity of the tool. If you know the features in and out, you can complete your task in seconds and if not, it can take hours.

For example, move a diagram consisting of multiple elements or apply borders to pages, text, paragraphs, and objects. Recently, I was working on some columns of text, and when I finished my work, I realized that it would be nicer if arranged in a table.

The data is so big that I can’t delete everything and start from scratch. With little research I found an easy and fast solution that converts the whole text to a table. Here’s what I did.

Steps to convert text to table

The first and foremost thing is to have some kind of symmetry in the text that you want to convert. Otherwise the whole process is pointless.

Below is part of the full data. Follow the steps to convert that columnar data to tabular data.

Msword text column

Step 1: Select the text that you want to encapsulate in a table. Towards Insert tab and click Table icon. Select the option to Convert text to table.

Convert text to table

Step 2: You will be presented with a configuration dialog to set options and table creation rules. Choose the number of rows and columns, choose the appropriate behavior, and define the split rule. In my case I want to separate them at colon.

Transform properties

It’s really simple. And if you’re creative, you can use this trick for more. Check out the results of what we just did.

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Show in table

However, this is one side of the story. After surrounding the text with a table, I think the interface would be better without it. I followed Steps 1 and 2 and found no option to revert. Luckily, I found it somewhere else. So let us take a look at that too.

Steps to convert table to text

Step 1: Select the board and navigate to Table Tools -> Layout -> Data Section. Click Convert to text icon.

Convert table to text

Step 2: A similar configuration dialog box as before will appear. You will need to choose how the columns will be separated once they are put together as text. My options are the same as before (and the colon).

2 . conversion property


Until yesterday I didn’t know about this feature of MS Word. But now I have an extra gem in my bag of MS Word tricks. You know, this also works on MS Outlook. So have fun with all the document editing and let us know about your experience.

Categories: How to

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