How to Use Photoshop to Change Eye Color in Photos

Have you ever seen a photo of a friend on Facebook where they appear with perfect blue or green eyes, even if you know their eye color is different? Well, while this may seem like the work of Photoshop experts, in reality, changing your eye color in a photo using Photoshop is quite simple.

Photoshop Change Eye Color Main Image

Just follow this guide and you’ll be an expert in no time. Ready? Well, let’s open a photo in Photoshop and let’s get started!

When you have an image you want to work with, this will be background picture, as shown in Class panel at the bottom right of the Photoshop window.

Photoshop Original Image

Photoshop background layer

Naturally, drawing the eyes of your image right there is the fastest way to go. But if you do that, you’ll make a destructive edit by making the change permanent base image. So instead you have to first create a whole new layer on Class control panel to work, just in case you change your mind and want your photos back to their original state.

So to create a new layer just go to Class panel and click the folded note icon to create a new one.

Photoshop Create New Layer

If you feel the eyes on your image are too small to manipulate, you can enlarge them by pressing Command + keyboard shortcuts on your Mac.

Zoom in Photoshop images

Once you have a clear view of the eye/eyes you want to work with, select the Brush Tool from Photoshop’s left toolbar. Then go to the Brush Tool icon at the top of the Photoshop window.

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Photoshop Brush Tool

There you will find several options to customize your brush. For this particular tutorial, I recommend choosing a ‘flat’ brush with 100% hardness, like in the image below.

Brush hardness 100 percent

Next, at the bottom of the left toolbar, click the upper color square to select the primary color you want to apply on the eye.

Photoshop Choose Primary Color

Then use the keys in the square brackets on your keyboard to adjust the size of the brush to make it the smallest you can work with. Once done, make sure you’ve selected your new layer on Class panel and then start drawing on the eye slowly, covering its entire area.

Photoshop draw eyes

It’s okay if you don’t do it perfectly at this step, just do the best you can.

Next, at the top of Class panel, click the drop-down menu (shown below) and among all the available filters, select Soft light filter.

Photoshop's Soft Light Filter

Once done, you will see how dramatically the eye color changes. The reason is that this filter allows the background layer (which is the main image in this case) go through new class, create a type mix In-process effects allow to retain most of the details of each eye.

Filtered Photoshop eyes

The final Photoshop image is ready

If you realize that you left some space while drawing the eye, just go back to the new layer and finish drawing it.

And there you have it! Feel free to use this technique not only on your eyes but anywhere on your image.

Categories: How to

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