Gotterdammerung in Final Fantasy 16: How to craft, Design Draft location & weapon stats


  1. Final Fantasy 16 Location Draft Design Gotterdammerung
  2. How to make Gotterdammerung Sword in Final Fantasy 16
    1. How to get orichalcum
    2. How to get black steel
    3. How to get a primitive battle horn
  3. What is Gotterdammerung’s weapon stats in Final Fantasy 16?

You’ll definitely want to know how to draft a design for Gotterdammerung in final fantasy 16, as its weapon stats make it the strongest sword in the entire game. It can only be purchased during the last period of final fantasy 16However, you will need to complete various side quests and gather materials to craft the mighty sword.

However, you certainly won’t regret it if you manage to make Gotterdammerung, as the newest bosses and optional hunts in the game only require the best gear Clive can get his hands on.

So check out the rest of this guide below to learn more about Gotterdammerung at final fantasy 16Includes all weapon stats and everything you need to craft it.

Final Fantasy 16 Location Draft Design Gotterdammerung

Image of Gotterdammerung's design sketch in Final Fantasy 16Click to enlarge

To obtain a draft of the Gotterdammerung design at final fantasy 16you must complete the Blacksmith’s Blues IV Plus Symbol side quest.

As the name of the quest suggests, this is the fourth installment of the Blacksmith’s Blues quest line and you need to complete the previous three before this one can appear. After you complete the first three quests, Blacksmith’s Blues IV will be available starting August at the Hideaway after you complete your first encounter with Barnabas.

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As is the case with every other skin design in the game, completing the quest will make Gotterdammerung an available Blackthorne craft; but the materials he needed to make it were pretty hard to find.

How to make Gotterdammerung Sword in Final Fantasy 16

Blackthorne and Zoltan talk about Gotterdammerung in Final Fantasy 16Click to enlarge

To craft the Gotterdammerung sword, you will need to purchase the following items in the game:

  • ragnarok sword
  • 3x orichalcum
  • 2x dark steel
  • 1 Primordial Battle Horn

The Ragnarok sword will automatically be given to you after completing the quest Blacksmith’s Blues IV, but make sure you don’t sell it as there is no other way to get it for this job.

How to get orichalcum

These are all the ways you can get Orichalcum in final fantasy 16:

  • Defeat Atlas at the infamous ‘The Breaker of Worlds’ landmark, located on Cressida.
  • Defeat Gorgimera in the infamous “Three-Headed Terror” franchise, located in the Velkroy desert.
  • Defeat King Behemoth at the infamous ‘The Masterless Marauder’ sign, found in Vidargraes.
  • Complete the side quest ‘Under New Management II’ in Northreach.
  • Complete the side quest ‘Duty Undying II’ on Tabor.

Of course, you will only need to do three of these. So you can choose whether you want to focus on the Task Board or do more side quests.

How to get black steel

However, if you’re looking for Darksteel, here’s what you need to do to get the rare material:

  • Defeat Thanatos in the infamous ‘Usher to the Underworld’ trademark, found in Titan’s Wake.
  • Defeat the Prince of Death at the infamous ‘The Grim Reaper’ sign, found in Royal Meadows.
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These are the only two ways to get Darksteel, so you should confidently face tough enemies. However, they are only rated A in difficulty so they are not as difficult as some of the other Hunts in the game.

How to get a primitive battle horn

For the final part of the Gotterdammerung sword, you will need to purchase the Primordial Battle Horn, which can be obtained by defeating the infamous Gobermouch brand.

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To find the Gobermouch, you’ll want to head to Eistla and head southwest of The Maudlin Mason. This is only an A rank hunt, so it shouldn’t be too difficult for experienced warriors.

What is Gotterdammerung’s weapon stats in Final Fantasy 16?

Image of Gotterdammerung's weapon stats in Final Fantasy 16Click to enlarge

If you want to know the power of Gotterdammerung in final fantasy 16Check out all the weapon stats below:

While sadly this weapon is not upgradable as it is a rare gold item, it is still the best sword in the entire game with these basic stats. With this, you’ll be better equipped to take on any extremely tough bosses, and you’ll be ready when you decide to join New Game Plus.

That’s all you need to know if you want to pick up the Gotterdammerung sword in final fantasy 16so you should start collecting those rare materials.

for more final fantasy 16 tour guide, you will surely find them right at TRAN HUNG DAO School.

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