How To Convert Currency using Safari on iOS in Real Time

As I’ve said over and over, I’m bad at math, but the universe hasn’t abandoned me. Alas, I have to enlist the help of apps and services. I use expense managers to show me the reality of the situation and visual calculators to make the math seem a little easier.

Most of my day is spent looking at the prices of things in dollars or pounds. I’m not a shopaholic, just a tech geek. And every time I come across the price of a new device, I have to do a little mental math. $500 for a new iPad, so that’s 500 x 60 – 5 x 6 – 30, 30,000 Indian rupees.

Safari Stacks @ 2X

When the numbers are in the tens or hundreds this is easy but that is rarely the case. Exchange rates also fluctuate (one US dollar at the time of this writing is Rs 62, not 60). So instead of leaving all this to my brain to think, I use a currency converter. It could be Alfred, Spotlight on my Mac, or even a Google search (yes, it’s fine for things like this).

I’ve found a lot of ways to do this, and now I’ve found two more. One is to automatically convert any currency written on a page in Safari for iOS to Indian Rupees (works for all major currencies) and the other is a Notification Center widget.

How to convert currency from a website in Safari

The app we will be using is called Stacks ($2.99). The app itself is an official currency converter with live exchange rates. But the app was recently updated with a Safari extension and Notification Center widget. This exponentially improves the functionality of the application.

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Hot Tip: In fact, the Notification Center widget and extension support are the best things that have happened to iOS in a long time. Learn about extensions and see our list of NC extensions for more.

Once you’ve downloaded the app, go to Safari and click the . icon Share button. In the bottom menu with white buttons, swipe right, click Than and activate Stack.

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Now go to the website with quoted prices in foreign currency and from the share menu select Stack. From this pop-up, select the output currency.

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The page will instantly convert the currency text with the newly converted text. Seeing this in action on your iPhone is surreal.

Convert currency from Notification Center

This app also comes with NC utility. Swipe to the bottom of Today view, click Editor and add Stack accessary.

You should now see two currencies. You can change them by clicking the button. By default, the base currency will be USD and the converted currency will be based on your region. You can also swap them with the round button.

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The NC utility has a keyboard that you can display. Entering the number will convert it at the current exchange rate right in the Notification Center. You don’t even need to open the app.

How do you convert currencies?

What is your favorite way to convert currencies? Let us know in the comments below.

Categories: How to

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