How to Compare Two Documents in MS Word 2007 or 2010

Word2010Logo Many times when editing text content, we fall into a situation where we have to compare two documents word for word to distinguish the differences. Most of us would open both articles side by side and read line after line side by side, but this is only possible when you have a few lines or a small paragraph to compare.

When you need to compare multiple pages, this method seems a bit orthodox and weird. We talked about an online tool called CompareMyDocs that can compare documents for you, but if you already have Microsoft Word installed on your system there is no need for this tool or any service. so different. You can easily compare two documents without breaking a sweat.

To compare two documents, open Microsoft Word (version 2007 or 2010). In the Review tab, click Compare dropdown button and choose the first option Compare.

Compare documents

A comparison window will open and ask you to enter the Original Document and the Modified Document. By default, all documents saved in your documents folder will be available in a drop-down list. If the document is in any other folder, you’ll have to manually browse for it.

Compare 1

Once you have selected both documents, click the OK button to start the comparison. Word will compare both documents and provide all the details in the comparison summary window. The comparison considers every aspect like font size, white space, font color etc. If you want to exclude some aspects, you can do so by clicking the More button in the Comparison Window and remove the check mark from the ones you want to exclude.

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Compare More Advanced

The only limitation is that Microsoft Word is limited to comparing only two documents at a given time. If you want to compare multiple files, you can use the online tool we mentioned earlier.

Categories: How to

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