How to Change Column Width in Google Sheets

Your text doesn’t fit into cells in Google Sheets?

If so, you can change the width of each column.

Increasing the width of a column will allow more text to fit in its cells.

That way your text won’t overflow to the next column(s).

Google Sheets has a feature that allows you to resize columns.

This feature can be accessed by right clicking on the column(s) that you want to resize.

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to adjust, resize, or change column widths in Google Sheets.

How to change column widths in Google Sheets

How to change column widths in Google Sheets

  • Select the column(s) that you want to resize.
  • Right click on the column(s).
  • Select “Resize columns”.
  • Select “Enter a new column width in pixels”.
  • Enter the column width (in pixels) that you want to change (eg 200).
  • Select “OK”.

Once you have selected “OK”, the width(s) of the column(s) will be resized to the pixels you entered.

The default column width in pixels is 100.

You can increase or decrease it by entering pixels in the text field.

You can select multiple columns by pressing “Shift” on your keyboard.

If you have selected multiple columns (for example, columns A to D), you will see the option “Resize columns A – D”.

By entering pixels in the text field, all the columns you selected will be resized when you click “OK”.

If you just want the text to fit in the cells, you can double-click the border next to the column’s alphabet.

In other words, the width of the column will be resized to fit the text.

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Categories: How to

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