How to Unblock Action Blocked on Instagram

If you’ve visited this page, we think Instagram has punished you. You’re not alone if it makes you feel better. Recently, Instagram blocked people from commenting and liking photos for a variety of reasons. In this post, we will tell you how to get rid of Blocked Actions on Instagram.

How to get rid of blocked action on Instagram

While Instagram’s main motive behind blocking people is to check bots and reduce spam, many innocent people have also suffered its wrath. If you are one of them, we are here to help.

What does blocked action mean on Instagram

When Instagram detects that a particular profile is doing spam activities, it blocks them for a while and shows you the ‘Action blocked’ error.

Exit Instagram blocked from action

Instagram’s algorithm punishes spammers for conducting nefarious activities such as spamming inboxes, posting spam comments, liking too many posts quickly, using auto-likes in posts or reels, etc. Once you receive this message, you won’t be able to comment on or like images on Instagram. That means you can’t be active on Instagram anymore.

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Wondering what kind of block your Instagram account has received? There are three different types of Instagram blocking based on how active you are for a short period of time on the platform:

  • Temporary Blocking: You will see a Temporary Blocking error message, which is the most common error. It lasts about 24 hours and you’ll know if Instagram believes you’ve violated one of their terms of service.
  • Action blocked with expiration date: When the error message Blocked action carries a specific time limit from 24 hours to 30 days. However, it is quite rare to see such a message. You can report a problem when you see such a block.
  • Action Blocked without any date: This is a typical indefinite ban without any guarantee of allowing you to regain control of your account as there is no date Nominated. Despite the report, it’s still unclear when and if Instagram will reinstate your account.
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The extreme scenario is when your account is permanently blocked. Whether you’re spamming or selling services like increasing followers or views. Instagram often invokes violating many of Instagram’s rules to permanently lock your account.

If you’re confident that you haven’t exceeded the usual number of tasks within the hourly or daily task limit, you should report an issue.

Why am I blocked from commenting and liking on Instagram

Have you noticed that you can’t comment or like anything on the Instagram app or web interface? There are many reasons behind Instagram’s bold move. Some reasons are:

  • You’ve actively followed and unfollowed people.
  • You used a third party app to get likes on your photo.
  • Did you use a third-party app to get more followers or auto-follow and auto-unfollow followers.
  • You have used the same comment multiple times.
  • You have a habit of liking many photos in a short period of time.
  • You share links and post offensive words in comments or direct messages.
  • You post some random comments in hopes of better interaction.

If you have engaged in any of the above activities, Instagram may consider you a spam account or a bot to block you.

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How to get rid of blocked action on Instagram

1. Switch to mobile data

Instagram may have blocked your IP address but not your account. So you can take a chance and change your mobile internet connection. So you might consider switching to mobile data or another Wi-Fi network to check if it helps.

2. Stop all activity on Instagram for 24-48 hours

If the above fix doesn’t work, you should stop all activity on Instagram for 24-48 hours. You’ll need to give your account a bit of a break. Dislike, comment or follow anyone on Instagram. While you might be using automation for something like a post, story, or movie reel, it’s best to pause that for a few days. Take a break from Instagram and then log in after 48 hours.

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Escape from blocked action on Instagram 2

3. Link other social media networks to your Instagram account

If Instagram has labeled you as a spam account, try linking other social media accounts to your Instagram account. That will help establish the fact that you are a real person and not some bot.

To link other social networks to your Instagram account, tap the three-dot menu in the case of Android and the Settings icon on your profile page in the case of iPhone. Then hit the Linked Accounts option and add your account.

Turn off last active status Instagram 2Escape blocked action on Instagram 3

4. Uninstall third-party apps

One of the main reasons behind getting blocked is using third party apps to increase your likes and followers. If you have installed any such apps, unlink them and remove them from your phone. Uninstall them and remove your account from those apps.

5. Report to Instagram

If you think you did nothing wrong, you can file a complaint on Instagram. You need to report the issue to Instagram to ask them to review your block.

To report to Instagram, open the Instagram app on your phone. On your Android device, tap the three-dot menu present in the top right corner.

Escape from Instagram blocked action 4Escape from blocked action on Instagram 5

On iPhone, tap the Profile icon in the lower-right corner, then tap the three horizontal lines and choose Settings from the menu that opens.

In Preferences, scroll down and tap on the Report a Problem option. From the pop-up, select Report a Problem. Explain your problem with Instagram and hit the submit button. Once submitted, all you can do is pray and wait for their answer.

6. Give it time

Whether you file an appeal or not, you’ll need to give Instagram time to retract its decision to block you. This process can take anywhere from 4 hours to 4 weeks to recover your Instagram account. In the meantime, you can reinstall the Instagram app and make sure it’s the latest version on your Android or iPhone.

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How to avoid being blocked by Instagram

If your account has been restored after a temporary hiatus, you better be careful going forward. Of course, you don’t want that to happen to your account again. Here are some tips that you need to follow to avoid getting blocked by Instagram.

1. Reduce the number of actions

For starters, don’t over-like and comment on reels, posts, and stories. You need to keep your distance for a few seconds before liking multiple photos. Also, don’t post the same comment more than once.

Moderating your actions is also true of following and unfollowing. Check how many people you follow daily.

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2. Avoid using third-party apps

Instagram is very strict about fake likes, comments and followers. Try not to use bots to get famous on Instagram.

Instagram photos

3. Complete your Instagram profile

Make sure to add the appropriate bio, email address, and phone number to your Instagram Profile. Also, as mentioned above, link other social networks to your Instagram account.

Be careful!

We hope the above fixes helped you unblock your Instagram account. We advise you to be careful as further suspicious activity may permanently block your Instagram account.

If you know of any other methods to remove the ‘Action Blocked’ ban, please let us know in the comments below.

Categories: How to

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