How to Add Video and Audio to iWork Keynote Presentations

I work Keynote1

In previous entries, we have mentioned both

Keynote Basics

(Apple’s own presentation tool) and even shared some

cool Keynote tips

with you. However, it’s never enough when it comes to ways you can improve your presentations and make them stand out, right? That’s why this time we’re covering two very important tips to really make them happen: Add music and video to your Keynote presentations.

Go ahead and learn how to do this.

Add a song or any audio file to your main presentation

On the Keynote toolbar at the top right of the screen, click the icon Media to open the media browser. When you do, click sound tab to browse all your music and audio files. You can double click on any of them to preview it.

Media buttonMedia Browser

After you make your selection, on the Keynote toolbar, click inspect to open the Inspector. There, click Document Checker and then on sound tabs on it. By now you should have both the media browser and the Inspector open.

Audio Document Checker

Now all you have to do is drag the song or audio file you want in your presentation from the media browser. Soundtrack box on the Inspector panel. This will make that song the soundtrack for your entire presentation.

Main background music

But what if you want a song to play only during a certain portion of the keynote or only while a specific slide is shown? Well, in this case, you need to drag the song or audio file straight from the media browser to the slide you want to play and that’s it.

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Single slide song 1Single slide song 2

Even better, if you want, you can also adjust where the song starts and ends and whether it repeats indefinitely. To do this, open the Inspector panel again and click Time is quick section, where you will be able to adjust all these options.

Quick time table

Add video to your Keynote presentation

In a similar way, using the media browser makes it easy to add video to your Keynote presentation.

To do so, open the media browser and select Movie navigation. There, choose from the various sources available for movie files on your Mac.

Media browser movies

Next, simply drag the video file onto any slide in your presentation. You can even adjust its overall size and position to make it fit exactly how you want. Alternatively, just like with audio files, you can use Time is quick of the Inspector to adjust the length and playback type of the video.

Added video

Tip: At any point while creating a Keynote presentation, you can double-click the video file to preview it.

And that’s it for this entry. Make sure to apply these tips to your Keynote presentations, and you’re sure to see them not only dramatically improve, but stand out from any other person’s presentation.

Categories: How to

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