How to Add Bookmark Folder in Safari on iPhone, iPad and Mac

The Safari browser is the default choice for iPhone, iPad and Mac users. Browsers have gotten better, especially with the Safari 15 update. For example, you can now create groups of tabs that you can easily use between iPhone, iPad, and Mac. Similarly, if you want to share a common set of bookmarks, you should create a specific bookmarks folder to access the same link on different Apple devices.

Scrolling through some bookmarks can be tedious on iPhone and iPad. Instead, you can sort them by specific folders like work, holidays, personal, etc. Here are the steps to add bookmarks folders in Safari on iPhone, iPad, and Mac.

Add a Bookmark folder in Safari on iPhone and iPad

Creating Bookmarks in Safari will easily let you revisit the site quickly the next time. You don’t have to copy the link and paste it into the Notes app for later reference. You can simply visit that link again by opening the Safari app itself. If you have multiple Bookmarks, you can organize them into specific folders in Safari.

The steps to create a bookmark folder are still the same as on iPhone and iPad.

Step 1: Open Safari on your iPhone or iPad.

Step 2: Click the Bookmarks icon in the bottom menu bar.

By default, Safari shows you the Favorites folder for your Bookmarks.

Step 3: Click Edit in the lower right corner.

Step 4: Tap New Folder in the lower left corner.

Step 5: Name your new Bookmarks Folder and tap Done.

Step 6: Tap Done at the bottom right.

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Step 7: Tap Done in the top left corner to confirm your action.

Safari will create a new Bookmarks Folder. Follow these steps to add sitelinks to the Bookmarks Folder.

Step 1: Open a Safari website and tap the Share icon in the middle of the menu bar at the bottom.

Step 2: From the list of options, scroll down and select Add Bookmark.

Step 3: Click on the Favorites folder.

Step 4: Select your newly created Bookmarks Folder.

Step 5: Click Save in the upper right corner.

You have successfully saved Bookmarks to your new folder.

Add a bookmarks folder in Safari on Mac

Along with other great ways to organize Bookmarks in Safari on Mac, you can also choose to create a Bookmark Folder to ease your browsing experience. For those who always prefer to browse the web on the big screen, this feature will allow them to better access saved links on their Mac.

Follow these steps to create your Bookmarks folder.

Step 1: Press Command + Spacebar to display Spotlight Search, type the hunt, and press Back.

Step 2: Click the Sidebar icon on the left in the top menu bar.

Step 3: Click Bookmarks.

Step 4: Bring the cursor to the Favorites option and right-click on it.

Step 5: Select New Folder from the list of options.

Step 6: Rename the folder and press Return.

If you want to add a Bookmarks Folder outside of the Favorites tab, follow these steps.

Step 1: Move the mouse pointer to the space below the Favorites option.

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Step 2: Right click on it and select New Folder.

Step 3: Name the folder and press Return.

Follow these steps to add Bookmarks to your newly created Bookmarks Folder.

Step 1: Open the website link you want to bookmark on Safari.

Step 2: Click the Share icon at the top right.

Step 3: Select Add bookmark from the list of options.

Step 4: Click the drop-down menu to display the Bookmarks Folder name.

Step 5: Choose the folder to save your Bookmark.

Step 6: Click Add to complete the process.

This is how you can create a Bookmark Folder and add your favorite sitelinks of your choice. The Bookmarks folder will let you navigate between links that cater to your different interests with ease. You can create a folder for recipes, movie recommendations, reading lists, etc.

Organize your favorite content on the Internet

Using the Bookmarks Folder in Safari to manage and organize your bookmarks will save you a lot of time, no matter what device you use. When you discover something new on the web, you can quickly save it to the Bookmarks Folder and name it to your liking. In addition, when you want to backup or import Safari boommarks to another browser on Mac, it’s also easier.

Categories: How to

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