How to Add and Customize a Pie Chart in Google Docs

Quick Tips

  • Click on Insert > Chart > Pie. To add data to the chart, click on the three-dots icon > Open Source > enter the data in the spreadsheet.
  • To add a Pie Chart from an existing spreadsheet, select Insert > Chart > From Sheets > select the Google Sheets file.
  • You can modify the values, colors, and names, add a 3D effect, or customize the theme of a pie chart on Google Docs.

How to Insert Pie Charts in Google Docs

There are two methods to add a pie chart in Google Docs. You can create a new pie chart right from Google Docs or add an existing pie chart from Google Sheets.

Method 1: Create a New Pie Chart

Step 1: Click on Insert > Chart > select Pie from the menu.

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Step 2: A pie chart with sample data will be added in Docs. You will notice that you cannot change the values directly in Docs. For that, you must edit the pie chart in Google Sheets (more on that below).

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Method 2: Add Existing Pie Chart From Google Sheets

Step 1: If you have a pie chart and its data in Sheets, you can easily add it to Docs. To do so, open the Docs document where you want to add it > go to Insert > Chart > From Sheets.

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Step 2: The interface will show your spreadsheets. Click on the one with a pie chart that you want to add and hit Select.

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How to Add Information to Pie Charts

Step 1: To change the data for a pie chart, click on the chart once. You will see the three dots/link icon at the top-right corner. Click on it and select Open Source.

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Step 1: You will be taken to a spreadsheet.

  • If you add a new pie chart to the document, you will see an empty spreadsheet where you can add information.
  • If it is a pie chart from an existing Google Sheets document, you will see the list of values you can edit.

Scroll up, and you will find the rows and columns with its data. Change the section names and their values as per your need. The same will be reflected in the pie chart.

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Update the Pie Chart in Google Docs

Any change you make in the spreadsheet of the pie chart will not reflect directly in Google Docs.

You have to update it. Click on the update button to reflect the changes in your pie chart.

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Also Read: How to use voice typing on Google Docs

Tips to Customize Pie Chart on Google Docs

1. Change the Title of the Pie Chart

The default title of the pie chart is Points Scored.

Step 1: Open the source spreadsheet of the pie chart. Double-click on the same text in the spreadsheet.

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Step 2: Type the new name for the title. You can also change the title font, size, and color from the options under Chart & axis titles in the right window. Click on Update in Google Docs.

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2. Change the Color of Individual Pie Slices

A pie chart usually has slices of different colors. If you don’t like the default colors for pie slices, you can change them.

Step 1: Open the source of your pie chart, i.e., the linked Google Sheets as shown in the edit pie charts section.

Step 2: Double-click on the slice whose color you want to change.

Step 3: From the Chart editor options on the right, choose your preferred color from the Pie slice color under the Customize tab. Update the changes in Google Docs.

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3. Add Background Color to the Pie Chart

Step 1: Open the pie chart in its spreadsheet. Double-click on it to show Chart editor options.

Step 2: Click on the Customize tab > open the Chart style section. Change the background color under the provided option > hit the Update button in Docs.

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4. Create a 3D Pie Chart

In the source spreadsheet, open the Chart style section under Chart Editor. Then, check the box for 3D > hit the Update button in Docs.

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5. Show Values Inside Slices

By default, the pie chart values will be available outside the chart.

Step 1: To show the values on the top of the pie chart, open the Chart editor window in the spreadsheet.

Step 2: Then, open the Pie chart section and click on the drop-down box under the Slice label. Select your choice. You can also change its text color. To reflect the changes, click on Update in Google Docs.

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6. Change the Position of Labels

Step 1: To do so, open the Legends section under Chart Editor > Customize in the pie chart spreadsheet.

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Step 2: Select the location under the Position drop-down box. If required, change the text color, size, and font. Then, update the Google Doc.

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7. Download the Pie Chart as an Image

For that, open the pie chart in its spreadsheet. Then, click on the pie chart and hit the three-dot icon at the top-right corner. Select Download and choose the image type.

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8. Change the Theme of the Pie Chart

Instead of changing the color for each slice, you can change the theme of your pie chart.

Step 1: Click on your pie chart in Google Docs > hit the Format option at the top > select Image > Image options.

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Step 2: From the Image Options window on the right, select the color from the drop-down box under Re-color.

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9. Change the Transparency of the Pie Chart

For that, open the Image Options window by right-clicking on the pie chart or selecting Format > Image > Image options.

You can adjust the transparency under the Transparency option in Adjustments. You can also customize the brightness and contrast of your pie chart.

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Also Read: How to insert images in Google Docs

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