How to Add a Link to Instagram Story and Posts

Looking to drive more traffic to your website or promote your brand on Instagram? Adding a link to your Instagram story or post is a great way to do that! However, if you’re new to Instagram or haven’t used the feature before, you might not know where to start. In this article, we will show you how to add links to Instagram stories and posts.

How to add links to Instagram stories and posts

But first, you might be wondering why you want to add a link to your Instagram content. Simply put, it’s a great way to drive traffic to your website, promote your products and services, and even direct your followers to specific posts and pages. . Adding a link to your Instagram story or post can increase engagement and ultimately lead to more conversions. So let’s get started with the article!

How to add a link to an Instagram story

Migrating your followers from one social media account to another has been well known for quite some time, encouraging influencers to post more on social media. Instagram has been well supported and has provided users with a way to add links to their Instagram Stories. If you want to add a link to your Instagram Story, follow the steps below.

Step 1: Launch the Instagram app on your Android or iPhone and tap on the Your Stories option in the top left corner.

Launch the Instagram app on your Android or iPhonetap your Story option

Step 2: Select a photo or video from the gallery for your Story. Once selected, tap the Stickers icon in the top right corner.

Note: You can also use the Shutter button to take a photo of your Story.

Choose a photo or videotap the Stickers icon

Step 3: Select the Link sticker from the bottom page. Once selected, under Add link, enter the URL you want to share and tap ‘Customize sticker text’.

Select the Link stickerenter the URL you want to share

Step 4: Enter your text under Sticker Text and click Done.

Sticker text input

Now move the sticker to the preferred position. You can tap the sticker to scroll through the different styles.

Step 5: Once done, tap the right arrow in the lower right corner to share your Story. From the bottom Share panel, select your preferences and tap Share.

click on the right arrow in the lower right cornerchoose your preferences and press Share

That’s it. You’ve successfully added a link to your Instagram Story. If it’s not the Story you want to link to but in the post, keep reading.

How to add a link to your Instagram posts

Unlike Instagram Stories, adding links to your Instagram posts is not possible. Yes, you can enter any URL in your photo caption, but Instagram won’t hyperlink that URL for your users to click on and be redirected to. The only official way to add a hyperlink to your Instagram photos is to pay for Ads. Unless you have a good reason to do it, there are better alternatives.

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1. Use a URL Shortener

If you want to add links to your posts, using a URL shortening service is a great idea. There are several shorteners available in the market, such as Bitly, Owly, TinyURL, etc. These services create shorter URLs that are easier to type and share. While it may look unclickable or touchable, it’s much easier to copy and paste than a really long link. Follow the steps below.

Note: We will be using Bitly for demonstration. However, other URL shorteners work similarly to that Bitly.

Step 1: Open Bitly on your preferred browser on desktop or mobile and log in to your account.

Note: If you don’t have a Bitly account yet, create one using the sign up page.

login to your account

You won’t need a subscription until you need less than 50 shortened links per month.

Step 2: Once logged in, click the Create New button from the sidebar and select Link from the menu.

click the Create New button

Step 3: In the Create New page, enter the Destination URL, give it a title (optional), enter a custom second half of the URL to make it easy to import and share, and then click Create.

Click Create

Your go. You have successfully created a shortened URL that you can now copy and paste into the description/caption of your Instagram post. Remember that the shorter the link, the better it will look in your posts and the easier it will be for your followers to type, share, and remember.

Also read: How to track links correctly for shortened URLs

2. Pay for Sponsored Posts

There is no direct way to add a link to your Instagram posts. However, you can promote your post or story with a link if you own a business page. When you promote a post with a link, your followers can click on that link directly and get redirected without having to copy and paste the link.

Step 1: Launch Instagram on your desktop or mobile device and access your profile from the bottom navigation.

Note: To illustrate, we will be using Android.

Launch the Instagram app on your Android or iPhonego to your profile

Step 2: Select the photo you want to promote or boost and select the Promote Post button below the photo.

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Select the photo you want to promoteselect the Boost Post button

Step 3: In the Post Ads panel, under “choose how you want to advertise”, choose between “have a Facebook ad account” or “don’t have a Facebook ad account” and tap continue.

Note: We’re opting in without a Facebook ad account.

press continue

Step 4: Select your goal from the three options on the next screen, select ‘More website visits’ and select Edit.

Choose your goal from three options

Step 5: On the next screen, add the sitelink, select an action button and tap Done (tick) in the right corner. Now, tap Next.

add website linkSelect Next

Step 6: Under “Choose a target audience,” create your audience, or let Instagram automatically target your audience, then tap Next.

tap Next

Step 7: Under “Budget and duration,” select your scope and tap Next. On the next screen, “Review your ad,” go through the details, and tap Promote Post.

select your range and tap Nextgo through the details and tap Promote Post

You may have additional steps to follow for payment details. Once that’s done, your post will be promoted along with the link you attached for the user to tap or click.

If you don’t want to boost or promote your posts on Instagram just to add a link, see the next method.

3. Add Link to Instagram Bio

This is one of the most popular and easiest ways to add links to your Instagram. The link will be displayed on your profile for anyone to tap and be redirected. You can do many things with your Instagram bio, which we have covered in 5 great Instagram Profile tips that you should know. That said, here’s how to add a link to your Instagram bio.

Step 1: Launch Instagram on your Android or iOS device and access your profile from the bottom navigation.

Note: For ease of demonstration, we will be using Android.

Launch the Instagram app on your Android or iPhonego to your profile

Step 2: Click the Edit Profile button above your post. On the Edit Profile page, select Link.

Click Edit ProfileSelect link

Step 3: Under Links, tap ‘Add external link.’ On the next screen, enter the URL and Title, and finally, tap Done (check mark) in the top right corner.

tap 'Add external link.'Click done (select)

You will be taken back to the Links screen, where your newly added links will show up. If you want to rearrange the link before displaying, you can continue with the steps below.

Step 4: Tap the three dots icon in the top right corner and from the bottom panel select Reorder Links.

Tap the three dots iconSelect reorder link

Step 5: On the next screen, rearrange the link to your liking and press the Done button (check mark) in the top right corner.

Step 6: Finally, under Edit Profile, tap the Done button (tick) in the top right corner.

rearrange links to your likingtap the Done button (check)

There you have it. You have successfully added a link to your Instagram profile but also rearranged the profile link according to your preferences. If you have any questions that we missed in the article, check out the FAQs section.

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FAQ on how to add links to Instagram stories and posts

1. How do links work on Instagram stories?

Using the Swipe Up feature, you can add clickable links in Instagram Stories. When you add a link to your Story, viewers can swipe up on the screen to access the linked website or content. However, this feature is only available to Instagram accounts with more than 10,000 followers or verified accounts. To add a link to your Instagram Story, after you’ve taken a photo or video > add the filter or sticker you want > tap the link at the top of the screen to add the link > Once done add, tap Done then share.

2. How do I share stories on Instagram?

To share a post on Instagram, you can use different methods. The first method is to take a screenshot of the article and post it as an image on Instagram. Just take a screenshot of the post you want to share and create a new post on Instagram. Select the screenshot as an image and write a caption to go with it. Another way is to add a link to the post to your Instagram bio. Copy the link to the post and paste it in your bio. You can also share a link in an Instagram story, allowing your followers to swipe up and access the post.

Repeat and redirect your users

Knowing how to add links to Instagram Stories and Posts is a simple yet effective way to engage with your audience and promote your content. With the step-by-step instructions we have provided, you can easily add links to your Instagram Stories and Posts and start reaping the benefits of it. You may also want to read how to reorder Instagram posts without deleting them.

Categories: How to

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