GT Explains: What is HTML5 and How it Can Help Us?

HTML5 looks like the next big trend or the next big mystery, depending on how you look at it. But it’s just a far-reaching change from the traditional way we build websites.


HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is the building block of the web. Everything from simple email to Facebook is built around HTML code. The standardized form of HTML that already exists with us is version 4. But the changing nature of the way we interact on the web has brought a change. (Courteous image josef dune)

HTML5 brings improvements that allow web developers and designers to better handle web and multimedia applications. Rich interactivity is how we are doing it today, and the changes introduced in HTML5 point that way. But as we look at HTML5, remember that the latest form of markup language is still evolving and there are still many unanswered things.

Quick learn about HTML5 and how it helps us

If you’re starting to learn how to code for the web, throw away the old baggage; because, HTML5 gives you the tools to be more creative with web content.

1. Before that, rich interactivity meant using plug-ins like Flash, Silverlight, or linking with external video and audio. HTML5 introduces new elements like, and helps you add these with a simple tag. For instance, element allows you to create JavaScript-encoded drawing spaces on your website. You can also use it to display interactive graphs or other cool graphics – all in a flash. No need for plugins like Flash or QuickTime. Check out the YouTube HTML5 Video Player as well.

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2. More than just audio and video, you can encode a web page so that it allows you to drag and drop easily. The best place to see this is in Gmail, which allows you to drop attachments into emails.

3. You can go offline thanks to HTML5. HTML5 allows you to host web files for offline storage so you can work on them without an internet connection. Try Gmail Offline to experience it.

Gmail Offline

4. HTML5 has a new attribute that makes content editable. To-do list apps easily take advantage of this allowing for local storage of your to-do list. Try stupid.

5. HTML5 may soon enable built-in form validation without relying on JavaScript. HTML 5 supports all standard form input types and brings some new ones like “email” and “time”.

These are just a few of the changes on the anvil. The HTML5 spec is quite detailed and beyond the scope of this introductory article. Here are some resources that can help you better understand HTML5:

  • Dive into HTML5
  • HTML5Stone
  • HTML5 Library

HTML5 has arrived in some of the latest browser forms we are using today as the standard continues to evolve. iPad got rid of Flash and replaced it with HTML5. The adoption of the HTML5 web standard is changing the landscape of the web and the way we browse the web.

Categories: How to

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