GT Explains: What is a Creative Commons License and How to Use it

The World Wide Web has always been about sharing. Creative Commons emerged and offered a sharing framework that has traditionally been missing in copyright acts.

creative people

Courteous image: cambodia4kidsorg

Think of Creative Commons as a replace to copyright license. While copyright law takes an all-or-nothing approach – your work is in the public domain or not in the public domain – Creative Commons provides users with a set of copyright licenses and tools that strike a balance within the traditional “all rights” setting that copyright law creates.

Creative Commons (CC) is actually a non-profit organization founded in Mountain View, California, USA. The focal point itself has released a number of copyright licenses known as Creative Commons licenses that are free to the public so they can distribute their creative work with some degree of copyright control (or a complete waiver). Creative Commons licenses give authors choices about how they want to share their work with the public.

The spirit behind Creative Commons is to build a richer and more open online community for the exchange of information. Was it successful? Definitely yes if you look at a site like Flickr and realize that it’s hosting alone 200 million Photo is licensed under Creative Commons.

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons

Creative Commons licenses allow licensors (creators) to get the credit their work deserves. The license set allows them to keep the copyright while allowing others to copy, distribute, and make certain uses of their work—commercial or noncommercial. The one-page explanation helps understand the types of licenses you can use to copyright your work in the digital domain. There are six frequently used licenses. Here is a small summary:

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This license allows others to copy, distribute, display and perform your copyrighted work – or any work based on it – but only if they give you credit.

Attribution-Share Alike

This license allows others to remix, edit, and build upon your work even commercially and to distribute it, but only under a license identical to the one that governs the original work.


This license allows others to copy, distribute, display and perform your work – and any work based on it – but for non-commercial purposes only.

Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike

This license allows others to remix, edit, and build upon your work non-commercialprovided they credit you and license their new creations under the same license as the one that governs the original work.


This license permits redistribution, commercial and non-commercial, as long as it is delivered unchanged and in its entirety, in credit to you.


This license allows others to download your works and share them with others as long as they give you credit, but they cannot change them in any way or use them commercially. This is the most restrictive of all the licenses.

If all is still very confusing, the Creative Commons website is the best place to understand the not-so-elusive intricacies of these licenses.

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Also, don’t forget to click the Projects link (top screen) to see how Creative Commons is helping to promote a freer exchange of ideas on the web.

Categories: How to

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