Get Stock Android Look and Feel Without Rooting or Flashing

MashmallowThere are quite a few types of Android users out there.

First, we have stock Android fans. These people often use Nexus devices or root and flash their Android tablets and phones to turn them into stock Android powered devices.

Next, we have things like carrier customization, including UI changes found in interfaces like Samsung’s HTC Sense or Touchwiz. They buy their devices and leave them on as far as appearance/user interface is concerned.

There are also indifferent users. They don’t care if it’s in stock, and again, most of them leave their devices as they are.

That is it? No, the final category will be users who prefer the stock Android look and feel, but also enjoy the special smartphone features made possible only by manufacturer-customized software. This includes HTC’s Zoe and Blinkfeed, or Samsung features like Smart Pause.

For these people, you can pick up devices like the Moto X – which has a lightweight interface and looks like stock Android with extra features. Or you can take a device like the Galaxy S4 and turn the look and feel of your phone or tablet into a near-native experience.

So how do you go about that? Easy!

Step 1: You will want to download a launcher designed in the style of Jelly Bean. There are quite a few options out there, some paid and some free. For the purposes of this tutorial, we will be using the free version of Holo Launcher.


Go ahead and start downloading now. Once done, open it up:

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Congratulations! Your phone is one step closer to stock Android!

You will notice that if you exit the home screen and try to come back, it will ask you which launcher you want to use. Go ahead and choose to execute Launching Holor default from now on.

Optional: Feel free to explore the launcher settings and change things around, if you like.

Step 2: The Jelly Bean look like in your inventory is not complete yet. Now we need to create ourselves a new lock screen. The best free option available is Go to the locker. Download the app, but don’t open it yet.


Step 3: Next, you will need a theme. Sticking to the Android Jelly Bean skin we’ll be using Jelly Bean for Go Locker. Download and install now.

Step 4: Now is the time to start opening Go to the locker. You will immediately see a screen asking you to download other apps. Click X in the top right corner to get rid of this (as indicated by the arrow directly below).


Step 5: You will now be presented with Go to the locker application. Go ahead and click Setting tab (circled in red).


Press the apply button. It will now set your lock screen to the Jelly Bean theme, as shown below:


Step 6: If you insist on getting as close to the original interface as possible, you’ll want to get the official Google keyboard. This is completely optional if you already use an alternate keyboard like Swype.

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If you want Google Keyboard, just download and install. If not, go to step 7.

Step 7: Finally, let’s get our hands on the Jelly Bean wallpaper. There are a lot of choices for this one, but we recommend KovDev wallpapers (UPDATE: This tool is no longer available).

After downloading and opening, the interface will look like this:


Select the wallpaper you want and then press the . button Installing wallpaper button. It’s as simple as that, you’ve got a Jelly Bean wallpaper:


That’s it! You have original keyboard, original wallpaper, Jelly Bean style lock screen and even original mimic launcher. It’s certainly not a pure stock experience, but it’s pretty close and should please most users.

So what do you think of your temporary ‘stock-like’ Android experience? Can you think of any other apps or tips to make the experience more immersive? Let us know in the comments section!

Categories: How to

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