How to Fix “Could Not Load Results” on Facebook

Are you getting the “Unable to load results” error on Facebook?

An error message occurs when you use the search function on the Facebook app.

It can also happen if there is an error in the search function.

The error may be caused by the latest Facebook update.

To fix it, you can either download an older version of Facebook, update it, uninstall and reinstall it, or switch your network.

  • Method 1: Check if Facebook is down
  • Method 2: Download an older version of Facebook
  • Method 3: Update Facebook
  • Method 4: Uninstall and reinstall Facebook
  • Method 5: Switch your network

Method 1: Check if Facebook is down

Before you try to fix Unable to load results, you need to check if Facebook is down.

There are several ways to check if Facebook is down.

The first way is to go to and search for “Facebook”.

After you have searched for “Facebook”, check to see if the graph has spiked.

If so, that means Facebook could be down for everyone.

The second way is to go to Twitter and search for “Facebook down”.

Check out the top and latest tweets to see if anyone tweets about it.

Alternatively, you can search for the issue you’re having (e.g. can’t load results).

If Facebook is down, you’ll need to wait a few hours for the server to come back up.

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Method 2: Download an older version of Facebook

To fix “Unable to load results” error on Facebook, you need to download an older version of the app.

This is because the latest version of the application may have problems with the search function.

To download an older version of Facebook, visit

After you visit the website, scroll down to “Older versions” and select the older version of the app.

Finally, click “Download” to download an older version of Facebook.

Please note that this method only works for Android devices.

Method 3: Update Facebook

The third method is to update Facebook to the latest version.

To do so, go to the App Store/Google Play Store, search for “Facebook” and tap “Update”.

If you don’t see an update, you need to wait for one.

In some cases, new Facebook updates may contain bugs.

If so, Facebook will release the next update to fix them.

Method 4: Uninstall and reinstall Facebook

Uninstalling and reinstalling Facebook is the standard troubleshooting method.

When you uninstall and reinstall Facebook, the app’s cache is cleared.

Clearing an app’s cache can fix common app issues like sign-in, search, and posting.

Uninstalling Facebook again also updates to the latest version.

Method 5: Switch your network

The last method is to try switching your network.

If you’re already connected to a Wi-Fi network, try switching to mobile data.

On the other hand, if you’re using mobile data, try connecting to a Wi-Fi network.

You can also try switching to a faster Wi-Fi network.

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If your IP address is temporarily blocked by Facebook, switching your network will remove it.

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