How to Fix “An unknown network error has occurred” on Instagram

Are you getting an “Unknown network error” error on Instagram?

If so, you won’t be able to log into your Instagram account.

You can just ignore the message by clicking “Dismiss”.

Also, there aren’t any articles about it in the Instagram Help Center.

The error happened many years ago.

Even though your internet connection is fine, Instagram won’t let you sign in.

In this guide, you’ll learn why it says “An unknown error has occurred” on Instagram and how to fix it.

  • Why does it say unknown network error when I try to log in to Instagram?
  • How to fix “An unknown network error occurred” on Instagram

Why does it say unknown network error when I try to log in to Instagram?

An unknown network error has occurred

It says unknown network error when you try to log in to Instagram because most likely Instagram is down.

If Instagram doesn’t stop working, it means your IP address has been blocked temporarily.

The first thing you should do is check if Instagram is down.

You can do this by going to and looking at the graph.

If there are multiple reports, it means Instagram may not work for everyone.

The site says that there is a good chance that something goes wrong if the reports are above baseline.

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Instagram will temporarily block your IP address if you log in too many times.

This is done to mitigate DDoS attacks, hackers and bots.

In some cases, your IP address may be blocked by mistake.

If so, you can try switching from mobile data to Wi-Fi (and vice versa) or using a VPN and see if that fixes the problem.

How to fix “An unknown network error occurred” on Instagram

To fix the “An unknown network error has occurred” error on Instagram, you can try updating Instagram or uninstalling and reinstalling Instagram.

You can also try resetting your password on Instagram Web and try logging in to your account on the Instagram app.

Unfortunately, if Instagram isn’t working, there’s nothing you can do to fix it.

Instead, you need to wait 24 to 48 hours for the error message to go away.

Most error messages on Instagram are automatically removed after a while.

Therefore, you should not panic because your account is not hacked.

1. Update Instagram

The first method is to update Instagram to the latest version.

Some Instagram updates come with bug fixes and performance improvements.

Those updates may be introduced to fix current issues on the app.

Therefore, you need to make sure that you have the latest version of Instagram.

To do so, open the App Store or Google Play Store, search for “Instagram” and tap “Update.”

Once you’ve updated Instagram to the latest version, try logging into your account again.

2. Uninstall and reinstall Instagram

Uninstalling and reinstalling Instagram will do a few things.

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First, it clears the app’s cache—which can fix certain issues on the app.

Second, it will update Instagram to the latest version.

You should also uninstall and reinstall Instagram in the Instagram Help Center.

The help article recommends doing this if restarting your device and checking your connection doesn’t work.

3. Reset your password on Instagram

Several users on Reddit claim that they were able to fix the “An unknown network error occurred” error by resetting their Instagram password.

Resetting your Instagram password can be done on the Instagram app.

  1. Open the Instagram app.
  2. Navigate to the login screen.
  3. Tap on “Forgot password?”.
  4. Enter your username, phone number or email address.
  5. Follow the onscreen instructions to reset your password.

If you’re having trouble resetting your password on the Instagram app, you can use Instagram Web instead.

  1. Go to with a browser.
  2. Click “Forgot password?”.
  3. Enter your email address, phone number or username.
  4. Click “Send login link”.
  5. Follow the onscreen instructions to reset your password.

4. Wait 24 to 48 hours

In case Instagram goes down, you need to wait 24 to 48 hours for it to work again.

Even if Instagram doesn’t stop working, you should wait a while.

The “An unknown error has occurred” error is a temporary error.

Therefore, it will automatically be unloaded after some time even if you do nothing.

According to many reports, the majority of Instagram users encounter a management error to log in to their accounts.

DownDetector is a great way to check if Instagram is down.

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Alternatively, you can search for the error message you’re getting on Twitter.

After you’ve searched for it, check to see if anyone has tweeted about it recently.

If there are many tweets about the error message, it means that you are not the only one experiencing this error and it is most likely a global problem.


Most Instagram bugs will eventually be removed after a while.

The “An unknown network error has occurred” error is no exception.

In case you are still facing it after a few days, it means there is a problem with your internet connection.

Otherwise, you may have inadvertently restricted data usage for Instagram.

To fix this, you need to make sure that you have Wi-Fi and mobile data enabled for Instagram in your settings.

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Categories: Social Media

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