Escape Simulator First Chamber Walkthrough

The First Chamber is the first escape room in the Escape Simulator in the Labyrinth of Egypt after the tutorial.

In this quick tutorial you will learn how to complete the First Room in the Egyptian Maze in Escape Simulator.

  1. sphinx
  2. eagle puzzle
  3. pyramid
  4. first door maze
  5. second door labyrinth

1. Sphinx

Escape Simulator First Sphinx Room

Collect the book “Egyptology 102” from the ground.

Get the Sphinx from the pillar (it has a night symbol).

Open the wall with the hand icon.

Place the Sphinx inside the hole of the wall (shadow as stated in Egyptology 102).

Collect the Sphinx from the hole in the wall (it has a water symbol).

Place the Sphinx in a bowl of water and it will turn into a pyramid shape.

Collect the Pyramid part from the water bowl.

2. Eagle Puzzle

Escape Simulator First room eagle puzzle

Collect suitcases from the ground and unlock them by clicking two switches.

Collect the brush and the book “Egyptology 101” inside the suitcase.

Brush the chest under the eagle puzzle by holding the left mouse button to reveal the Egyptian numerals.

Based on the book “Egyptology 101”, the Egyptian numerals on the chest total “3426”.

Enter “3426” using 4 dice and get the key from the cage.

Use the key to open the chest under the eagle puzzle.

Collect the last Pyramid in the chest.

3. Pyramids

Escape Simulator First Pyramid Room

Collect the rest of the Pyramid sections on the ground (4 in total).

Place 4 Pyramids on the pillar (with the Sphinx).

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Collect the door key from the pillar.

4. The first door maze

Escape Simulator First Room Maze First Door

Place the door key in the triangular door to open the first maze.

The first maze asks you to choose symbols that will allow you to complete the maze.

The correct symbols are “Lion”, “Container with triangle”, “Rectangle” and “Cacti”.

Collect the second door key after you complete the maze.

5. Labyrinth of the second door

Escape Simulator First Room Labyrinth Second Door

Place the door key in another door with a triangle shape to open the second maze.

The second maze contains a more complex maze that requires you to refer to the book “Egypt 102”.

Only the bee leads to the center of the maze and the bee means “bjt” in the book “Egypt 102”.

According to the book, “bjt” means “foot”, “snake” and “semicircle”.

Therefore, the correct symbols are “foot”, “snake” and “semicircle”.

Collect the final door key after you complete the maze.

Place the last door key on the last door with the triangle to exit the room!

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