Elon Musk Copypasta

Elon Musk is the richest person in the world with a net worth of over $250 billion.

He is known for founding PayPal, SpaceX, Tesla and other companies.

Elon doesn’t use Instagram, but he is active on Twitter.

On Twitter, he’s known for posting memes and pop culture.

Unlike other billionaires, he doesn’t take Twitter seriously and tweets whatever he wants.

As one of the most influential, his tweets carry a lot of weight and can move the market.

Most of his tweets are filled with humorous comments about memes and copypasta.

This article contains a list of Elon Musk clones that you can copy and paste on Twitter and other social media platforms.

Elon Musk’s Replica

Elon Musk's Replica

Copy of Elon Musk:

  • Musk spent $44 billion on Twitter. The world population is 8 billion. He could have given each of them $5 billion and still have the money. I feel like a check for $5 billion would change most people’s lives. However, he wasted it all on Twitter.
  • Musk poured $44 billion into Twitter. The global population is 8 billion people. He could have given $5 billion to each individual and still have the money. Most people’s lives would change if they got a check for $5 billion. But he squandered it all on Twitter.
  • I love you but please turn off your phone or give me a call. I cannot support hate. Let’s stop this. I know this is not your heart.
  • I identify as an Elon Musk. Ever since I was a boy, I’ve dreamed of implanting wires into monkey brains and becoming the supreme leader of Mars. People tell me it’s impossible for one person to become a multi-billionaire CEO and I’m a damn Twittard but I don’t care, I’m the richest man on Earth. I am having a plastic surgeon install a Tesla HUD, a StarLink terminal and a cryptocurrency mining rig on my body. From now on, I want you to call me “Tesla Technoking” and respect my right to manipulate the price of dogecoin. If you can’t accept me, you’re a musk-fear and need to check your union worker perks. Thank you for being so understanding.
  • According to Musk, he’s currently using an Elden Ring build that focuses on Dexterity and Intelligence, which allows him to play as a mage but can also use melee weapons when needed. Musk said that he uses a shield in his left hand, while his right hand usually holds a staff. When Musk’s Elden Ring doesn’t use magic, he prefers to use swords and claws. Musk is also flexible when it comes to the armor his Elden Ring character wears, switching between heavy and medium weights depending on whether he needs to roll quickly or operate more like a tank.
  • To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Elon Musk. His business strategy is extremely sophisticated and without a good grasp of IEOR, most of his companies would be beyond the head of a typical analyst. There’s also Elon’s future prospects, cleverly incorporated into his businesses – his personal philosophy draws heavily from Libertarian literature, for example. Fans understand these things; they have the intellectual capacity to really appreciate the depth of these ventures, to realize that they aren’t just profitable – they say something profound about LIFE. As a result, people who don’t like Elon Musk are actually idiots – of course they won’t appreciate it, such as the genius in Elon’s existential catchphrase “I can see it happen or part of it,” the statement itself is a cryptic allusion to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now as I imagine one of those clumsy morons scratching his head in confusion as Elon Musk’s genius manifests itself on their SpaceX launch streams. How stupid… I feel so sorry for them. ? And by the way, I HAVE a Tesla tattoo. And no, you can’t see it. It’s only for women in the eye- And they even have to prove that they’re 5 IQ points (preferably lower) than me first.
  • Dear Melon Musketeers, I have thoroughly reviewed your resume and have discussed extensively with the board your application to join the nerd. Through our delicate research and tireless discussion, we regret to inform you that we must humbly decline your request to join our accommodation. We appreciate your time and effort, but we believe it may not benefit us or you. Sincerely, DestinyShallPrevail#7842, Honorable, Empathy, Respect, Diligence Association Comprehensive Section Leader. (NERDS).
  • Have you ever heard the tragedy of Elon Musk? I think not. That’s not the story Amber Heard will tell you. It’s a zoomer legend. Elon Musk is a businessman, very cunning and charismatic, he is able to influence the public to see his creations as a means to change lives… He has knowledge. about spaceships and machines to the extent that it could prevent Earthlings from dying on Earth. Adaptation to life in space is a path to a lifestyle that many consider unnatural. He became so adept at transporting items into space that the only thing he feared was not being able to transport himself, which, of course, eventually happened. Unfortunately, he loaded his car on a rocket loaded with everything he could think of, and then his car flew into space. Sarcasm. He can take other people to space, but he can’t drive himself to work.
  • Good. Scum like you who stay in the rat race will be destroyed by Mr. Musk. The future is here. The NFT dynasty has only just begun. We will conquer the galaxy. Meet new life forms and change everything. It’s not too late, brother. Join the NFT team and witness this new era!
  • The other night, I was in the backyard enjoying the things my mother made for me. There is a rather large tree in our backyard that I often enjoy watching the squirrels run around. As I was sitting out there, I noticed Elon Musk sitting in a tree posing like a ninja. He wears a tight red jumpsuit with a bulge, horns, and a forked tail with only his face sticking out. Elon noticed I was looking at him. He started shouting things about censorship on twitter and asked me what my favorite anime is. Being socially superior, I stayed away from him and continued to devour. His incessant screams were combined with the endless stream of acorns he threw at me; only when I noticed him did he stop. When he realized his previous tactics weren’t working, he tried to bargain with me by offering to buy me a horse and if I wanted to see his NFT collection (I was politely declined). At this point, I’ve had enough. I ran into the house to get my stepfather’s favorite ax to cut down the trees and get rid of the musk for good. When I got out, he was gone. Near the tree, I found the most curious thing… a dogecoin. I never saw Elon Musk and his bloat again, but I think about it every time I see his memes.
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Categories: How to
Source: thpttranhungdao.edu.vn/en/

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