Create Amazing Designs Using Microsoft Excel Charts

Design chart

What is the first tool that comes to mind when you want to design something? I’m sure it’s Photoshop. But what if you’re not good at it? Well, you don’t always have to resort to such heavy tools. I feel there are crazier ways to innovate. And, I came up with one of the craziest tricks with Microsoft Excel.

Take a look at the pictures above again. Can you believe they were created with MS Excel? You must, because we will show you how to use MS Excel charts to create such designs.

Note: We used MS Excel 2013 to illustrate the steps. If your software version is different, the navigation options will change slightly. However, the process remains the same.

Let us get started.

But first, you have to put on your thinking hat. We’re diving into a creative process here, so just the steps won’t help. That is the final design.

You need to experiment a bit with numbers and sequences. For our example, I filled in three columns at random. Check out the series of photos below.

Random series

I ran this sequence to about 140-200 rows. The more you add, the thinner the spikes will be. Once you’ve come up with and filled in your string, follow the steps below:

Step 1: Block the dataset. That means, select all rows and columns that contain your string or series.

Data block

Step 2: Navigate to Insert -> Histogram -> Radar -> Full Radar. Take a look from the image below.

Full Radar chart

The moment you choose your option, you will see a chart appear.

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Step 1 . Chart

Step 3: Click on the values ​​you see on the chart and start deleting values ​​one by one. Use Delete to remove them after you have selected them.

Step2 . Chart

After removing the useless parts, you will see a clear graph as you see in the image below. Looks good, doesn’t it?

Step 3 . Chart

Step 4: If you are satisfied with the result, take a print screen shot, crop the image and save the image. If not, go to Design tab and choose from a list of available designs. My selection gave my design a smoother texture.

Step41 . Chart

Still not satisfied? You can always play with the effect, fill, fill, and line options. The more you play around, the higher your chances of improving the look of your shape.

A few points to remember

  • The numbers must form a repeating sequence.
  • The number of spikes will be equal to the number of times you repeat your sequence.
  • The more rows you make, the more beautiful the pattern.
  • I took three series in three columns. Increase that and you may see better results.


When I first learned this trick, I was really surprised. I am sure that when you do it for the first time, you will feel the same way. Think about all kinds of numbers- fractions and integers. Think about unrelated sequences. Try as many possibilities as possible. And when you’re done, don’t forget to share the beautiful designs you’ve finished. We would love to take a look at your creations.

Happy designing. ?

Categories: How to

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