Control a Computer From Android Using TeamViewer Android App

When people know you as a tech blogger, they tend to remember you as a tech geek when they can’t figure out what’s wrong with their computers and devices. I don’t mind helping friends and family with their tech problems but it can be frustrating at times.

There are people who can wait until I’m in front of the computer so I can help them with a remote connection. But a few of them act like it’s the end of the world and some alien race is going to take over their computer if it’s not fixed at the earliest. For these nasty souls, I installed the TeamViewer Remote Control app on my Android.

Important: In early June 2016, TeamViewer was hacked. Their team responded with an official statementTeamviewer for Android1

TeamViewer Remote Control allows you to remotely control any computer connected to the internet, right from your desktop. All it requires is the TeamViewer desktop application on the computer. So let’s see how the app works.

Set up connection

Step 1: Download and install TeamViewer on Android as well as on the PC you want to remotely control incoming and outgoing.

Step 2: After you install the app on both devices, launch both devices. The application running on the PC will give you the ID and password on the main application. Provide ID and password details on TeamViewer Android app and connect.

Connection parametersGroup viewer for remote control 1Group Viewer for 2 remote control

Step 3: That’s it, if both the computer and Android are connected to the internet, the connection will be established and you will be notified of the same on the screen. Now you can control your desktop remotely from your Android and manage everything from anywhere.

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Confirm the established connection

Note: For best results, switch your phone to landscape mode while running the app.

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It’s all about establishing the connection. Now let’s explore android app and see some of its features.

Using the Remote Control

Once connected to the computer, you can use your finger to drag the mouse pointer across the screen. To click an element on the computer screen, tap the appropriate place on the Android screen with one finger.

Group Viewer for 5 . remote control

If you need to enter some text using the keyboard or you want to perform a right-click operation, you can do it using the corresponding buttons at the bottom of the application screen. The app supports pinch-to-zoom and two-finger scrolling if your device supports multitouch.

Group Viewer for 6 . remote control

To configure the quality of the remote connection from the app settings, remove the background image and enable UDP connection for the best connection speed between Android and computer. You can also configure the settings from the desktop app.

My judgment

This app made a deep impression on me. I never thought I could control a remote computer with Android so easily and efficiently, but TeamViewer proved me wrong. Try the app today and share your experience with us. You may also want to see how to remotely control uTorrent on your desktop using your Android phone.

Categories: How to

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