Completely Include a Website in PowerPoint Presentation


Presenting everything is to show the intelligence in you. And if you can seamlessly combine the simple and the complex with a

Unique approach

then you can impress anyone. Since a presentation can contain various content such as text, images, links to other files, etc., you must be very careful when integrating them into the presentation.

However, you should always navigate away from the presentation flow if you want to show some web page and its specific features to viewers. This will likely disrupt the viewer’s attention, which isn’t great for presenters.

Today we are going to describe a solution to such problems, in which you can integrate web pages into presentation slides and browse in real time during your slide show (without the must navigate away from the PowerPoint App).

We will do this with the help of an add-in for MS PowerPoint called LiveWeb.

Install LiveWeb on PowerPoint

Download the add-in, extract the contents and double click on the highlighted file on the image below.

Click this file

This will open an instance of MS PowerPoint while integrating the add-in with it. You may be prompted to Enable Macros also; do it.

Power Point Enable Macros

With this activity you will be able to see a tool for inserting a Web Page in the Insert tab -> LiveWeb section.

Insert web directly

If it doesn’t appear, follow the stated steps:-

Step 1: Open PowerPoint and navigate to PowerPoint Options via the Office button.

Power point option

Step 2: Switch to Add section, select PowerPoint Add-in from the drop-down list and click Go.

Manage Power Point add-ins

Step 3: If you see LiveWeb in the list and it is not selected, check it, otherwise click Add new and add the plug-in from the unzipped location.

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New Add New Add

Using LiveWeb on PowerPoint

This is the most interesting part of our article. For testing purposes, you may want to create a new presentation and practice the steps as you read on.

Step 1: Navigate to Insert -> LiveWeb -> Web Page and click tools. Edit Page properties go into the image if you want to edit an added item.

Insert web directly

Step 2: Enter the URL of the website(s) you want to integrate into the presentation. You can add as many as you like. Click Next when are you done?

More Websites

Step 3: If you want, you can choose to automatically refresh the page for updates. Click Next again.

Auto refresh page

Step 4: You can then set the web page’s shape, size, and position relative to the slide.

Specify the shape size

Step 5: Click Complete. Check Run show after inserting web page if you want to test everything at once.

complete the process

Step 6: You will see a confirmation message immediately. Click Alright and start going.

Completion Notice

Step 7: Start the slideshow by pressing the keyboard shortcut F5. You will see the integrated website and be able to browse on it in real time.

Integration In PptBrowse slideshows


Now you don’t have to worry about shrinking your presentation, starting a new instance of some browser, typing a website’s URL, and navigating there with clarity. Plug-ins are awesome and you should use it in such situations. You never know how many people you can impress. ????

Categories: How to

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