Block Access to a Particular Folder For a Guest User in Windows 7

Last week, a few of my cousins ​​came for Christmas and New Year, though, none of them brought their laptops. While most were busy shopping, some of them asked me to give them my laptop to check their inbox or update their Facebook. Before handing over my laptop, I have to make sure they don’t accidentally (or knowingly) violate my privacy (you know, we all have shady personal lives????).

I decided to enable Guest accounts for all of them and protect the admin’s account with a password. While activating the guest account has helped draw the line between browser preferences, history, and bookmarks, all of my files, especially those in a separate partition, are still accessible to everyone using the computer.

The only option left for me is to limit access to private folders from all users logged in with the Guest account. Like me, if you want to limit Guest user permissions, just follow these steps.

Step 1: Make sure you are logged in to the administrator account. Right click on the folder you want to block the Guest user and open the Properties window.


Step 2: In the folder properties window, open the Security tab and click the Edit button to change the permission settings.

Folder properties

Step 3: You will see a list of your system users and groups. Since no privilege level is defined for the Guest user here, click the Add button to include the Guest user.


Step 4: In the Select Users or Groups window, enter the guest in the text box below Enter the object name to select and click the Check Names button. Windows will now check for the existence of the username or the group name. Once the window has identified the user, click the Ok button.

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Add name

Step 5: Now select the Guest user in the list and choose to deny the permissions you want to revoke from the user and click Ok.

Exclusive right

Step 6: The window will ask you to confirm with the Security Warning dialog box. Click Yes and wait for Windows to change the properties for the files.


From now on, if a guest user tries to access a folder for which you have denied permission, he will be prompted for the administrator password.

My judgment

The above method is a very simple yet effective method to allow your Guest access to your computer without fear of exposing your documents and personal files. Furthermore, the above method can be used to limit access to folders to any user and not just the Guest user.

Categories: How to

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