5 Cool Things You Didn’t Know Google Drive Could Do

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You might think of Google Drive (which Google Docs is a part of) just an online place to store your documents and spreadsheets, but it’s so much more. Google wants it to dethrone Dropbox. And given the rate at which it gets updates, I wouldn’t be surprised if it gets ahead of everyone in the online backup market.

You can store, manage, and access any type of content using Google Drive. You start with 15GB of free storage, and the 100GB plan will be for just $1.99 a month. Google has also introduced add-ons to Drive (along with the built-in Drive apps) to enhance your productivity even further.

If you’ve used Google Drive before, you know it’s one of the most powerful productivity suites out there. And you probably already know about how you can use it offline, how to read and export Office documents, and even print documents directly from the web. But in this guide, we dig a little deeper and uncover nooks and crannies of Google Drive that you might not have been to before.

1. Drawing Tools


Want to draw a quick illustration? Need an electronic signature on a document? Drawing tools are here to help. From your Google docs toolbar, go into Insert -> Draw, and a box will pop up. From here, locate line tool and change it to bad hand-writing. Now draw any freeform object you want. Fight Rescue when you’re done and the drawing will be inserted into your document.

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2. Research


When you are working on your article or a project, there is always one thing or another that you need to look up, which you do with the help of Google. But why visit a separate site to do all this when you have the luxury Research tool. Just highlight the word you want to research, right click and select Study and a sidebar with Google search will show up. Click on any link you want, enter the content, and close it when you’re done. Easy.

3. Scan and save with OCR

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We’ve detailed OCR, scanned documents, and uploaded them to Google Drive in our PDF workflow guide. Be sure to check it out. With OCR (Optical Character Recognition), Google converts text from photos into searchable form. So you can scan invoices or receipts from your phone’s scanner app and send them directly to Google Drive. Later, when you need to search for something, just searching on Google Drive is enough.

4. Music Player for Google Drive


As I mentioned earlier, Google Drive is more than just Google Docs, and it’s about time we started using it that way, especially since storage is so cheap these days. If you are a music lover, you must have collected hundreds, thousands of songs. It may not be suitable for all your iPhones but only possible on Google Drive.

Upload them to Google Drive and with this Chrome app you can play any of them whenever you want as long as you are using the desktop Chrome browser.

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5. Search and insert stock images

stock images

It’s hard to find a high-quality stock photo that you can legally reuse. Google is trying to make this easy by integrating the whole process into Google Drive. From the toolbar, go to Insert -> Image and from the sidebar, click Share. From here, you can search for anything you want, and you’re sure to find plenty of stock images to suit your project. You can search between Google’s built-in image library, LIFE magazine’s collection, or the website itself.

your loss

Here are some features of Google Drive that you may not have heard of. Did we miss something? Let us know in the comments below.

Categories: How to
Source: thpttranhungdao.edu.vn/en/

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