32 Best Authors to Follow on Twitter

If you’re into reading books, it’s a must to follow these 32 best authors on Twitter.

There are lots of authors on Twitter, so it’s almost impossible to list them all.

Instead, this list contains unique authors (that you might not have heard before) in the self-help and business genre.

Some of which had written bestselling books across multiple countries.

Without further ado, here are 32 of the best authors to follow on Twitter (in no particular order).

1. Tim Ferriss

“Give more.Give what you didn’t get.Love more.Drop the old story.”— Garry Shandling

— Tim Ferriss (@tferriss) July 3, 2020

Tim Ferris is an author of the book The 4‑Hour Workweek.

The book is a true story of the author’s short work lifestyle where he shares valuable tips about business and productivity.

His latest and most popular tip shares a quote by Garry Shandling, to give more and love more.

2. Abadesi

I’ve come out of June with a new appreciation of my value & power.I finally have the courage to be disliked & the power to say no to anything that doesn’t align with my goals.I’m being ruthless with who I give my time to at work & practicing radical self care when OOO. https://t.co/l54UM7AHUG

— Abadesi (she/her) (@Abadesi) July 3, 2020

Abadesi is the author of Dream Big. Hustle Hard: The Millennial Woman’s Guide to Success in Tech.

It’s a self-help book for millennial women about networking, navigating work and technology.

One of her tweets mentions the ability to appreciate her value and power.

3. Eric Ries

OH: sink zero is the new inbox zero

— Eric Ries (@ericries) March 30, 2020

Eric Ries is the author of The Lean Startup.

If you’re thinking or looking to start a company, this book is a must-read.

His latest and most popular tweet is an honest opinion about empty sinks being satisfying.

4. Rand Fishkin

Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, Instagram, Google, they all collect a lot of data from users.But… none are as bad as Tik Tok.https://t.co/ArkMXaPgAM pic.twitter.com/3w1rlZAssG

— Rand Fishkin (@randfish) June 28, 2020

Rand Fishkin is the author of Lost and Founder: A Painfully Honest Field Guide to the Startup World.

The book is the author’s perspective on the micro and macro aspects of starting a technology business and its challenges.

He tweets about business, startups and technology.

5. Sara Wachter Boettcher

I’m already seen a lot of friends be really hard on themselves. “I’m not being very productive.” “I should get more done around the house.”“I’m eating too much.”Give yourself a break! You’re not a machine. Things are weird and hard. You’re not bad or lazy for being human.

— Sara Wachter-Boettcher (@sara_ann_marie) March 17, 2020

Sara Wachter Boettcher is the author of Technically Wrong: Sexist Apps, Biased Algorithms, and Other Threats of Toxic Tech.

The book is all about the current state of the technology industry (e.g. unfairness, toxicity, racism).

One of her most recent and popular tweet suggests that people should go easy on themselves.

6. Rachel Nabors

Study indicated 20% of how fast people learned Python correlated to their language proficiency, only 2% to math proficiency. You don’t need to be mathy to be good at learning to program: https://t.co/DPaGyKaecX

— R ‘Nearest’ Nabors ? (@rachelnabors) May 13, 2020

Rachel Nabors is the author of Animation At Work.

The book is a great resource for people working in the UI (user interface) industry.

One of her latest and most popular tweet shares an article on how learning Python correlates to your language/math proficiency.

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7. Clarissa Peterson

Accessibility tip: When writing for the web (including social media), don’t leave out punctuation to be cute or clever. Without punctuation, screen readers won’t be able to properly put everything into sentences.

— Clarissa Peterson (@clarissa) January 6, 2020

Clarissa Peterson is the author of Learning Responsive Web Design.

If you want to know how responsive web design works and the steps required to build a successful website, this book is for you.

She tweets about the latest news and technology.

8. Donna Lichaw

I wrote a thing for you. And I have no witty tweet to lure you into reading it. Writing this is the least and the most productive I’ve been able to be over the last 30 days. And while that’s not OK with me…I guess that’s OK. https://t.co/9nPzGGwm9Y

— Donna Lichaw (@dlichaw) April 13, 2020

Donna Lichaw is the author of The User’s Journey: Storymapping Products That People Love.

The book covers everything about storytelling to shape the relationship with your audience.

Her latest and most popular tweet promotes one of her blog posts.

9. Alexa Clay

We often describe @theRSAorg as a 250-year old start-up so nice to be exploring the unique history of the society from @antonhowes and diving into the lineage and some of the ghosts that animate our organizational DNA #quarantinereads #FRSAS #Quarantinebooks #booklaunch pic.twitter.com/UjxmIzew0v

— Alexa Clay (@alexaclay) May 20, 2020

Alexa Clay is the author of The Misfit Economy : Lessons in Creativity from Pirates, Hackers, Gangsters and Other Informal Entrepreneurs.

Her book mentions the five traits of successful entrepreneurs, hustle, copy, hack, provoke, and pivot.

She tweets about the latest news, societal challenges, and more.

10. Adam Sternbergh

cannot recall a moment in recent world history when people so unsuited to a challenge were faced with so monumental a crisis

— Adam Sternbergh (@sternbergh) June 25, 2020

Adam Sternbergh is the author of Shovel Ready.

Shovel Ready is a science fiction novel suggesting about the future of New York.

He tweets about the latest news, movies and more.

11. Randy J. Hunt

Milton Glaser was one of the most inspiring and generous teachers I was blessed to have in life. I remember an afternoon in his studio overhearing him on a client phone call. “Let me tell you what I’ve learned about communication…”I ❤️ MG https://t.co/20gvp6qott

— Randy J. Hunt (@randyjhunt) June 27, 2020

Randy J. Hunt is the author of Product Design for the Web: Principles of Designing and Releasing Web Products.

The book is an introduction to the various skills needed for product design.

His most recent tweet referred to Milton Glaser, the designer of the ‘I love NY logo’ as a great teacher.

12. Susan David

Many of us are feeling stuck right now, but if we focus too much on these uncontrollable aspects of our lives, we greatly increase our suffering. Learn the ways we can exercise control even when every day feels unpredictable. https://t.co/YPoXJ9YBRT pic.twitter.com/1Kt2fIcvYi

— Susan David, Ph.D. (@SusanDavid_PhD) April 6, 2020

Susan David is the author of Emotional Agility : Get Unstuck, Embrace Change and Thrive in Work and Life

The book is about dealing with the highs and lows of life.

Her most recent and popular tweet suggests that our body and mind are connected to one another.

13. Tiffany Pham


Tiffany Pham is the author of You Are a Mogul: How to Do the Impossible, Do It Yourself, and Do It Now.

The book shares about her life experiences and how she created her startup.

She tweets about the latest news, entrepreneurship, and more.

14. Tim Harford


Tim Harford is the author of The Undercover Economist.

If you’re interested in the economic notions behind daily experiences, this book is a must-read.

His latest and most popular tweet announces that the BBCMorOrLess run is extended.

15. Melissa Perri

This is something I used to do when I had a backlog. I never once had anything resurface. I used to tell people to do this all the time, they said I was crazy ? https://t.co/uf51iHTMy8

— Melissa Perri (@lissijean) June 18, 2020

Melissa Perri is the author of Escaping the Build Trap: How Effective Product Management Creates Real Value.

The book goes into what it takes to grow a product-led company.

She tweets about products, technology, and more.

16. Ramez Naam

Hundreds of videos of police brutality, from @greg_doucette‘s Twitter thread, collected on one page here: https://t.co/0FtLutA99F

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— Ramez Naam (@ramez) June 9, 2020

Ramez Naam is the author of More Than Human: Embracing the Promise of Biological Enhancement.

The book highlights the feasibilities of biological augmentation on humans.

His most recent and popular tweet shares a link to a compilation of police brutality incidents.

17. Billy Gallagher

Conventional wisdom says you should send VC’s a pitch deck. Conventional wisdom is wrong. Here’s how we raised our $45M A @ripplingapp https://t.co/VlxxFO6IsF

— Billy Gallagher (@GallagherBilly) April 10, 2019

Billy Gallagher is the author of How to Turn Down a Billion Dollars: The Snapchat Story.

It’s a take on how Snapchat rose to success.

He tweets about venture capital, startups, and more.

18. Whitney Johnson

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.” – Charles Darwin

— Whitney Johnson (@johnsonwhitney) April 30, 2020

Whitney Johnson is the author of Disrupt Yourself, With a New Introduction: Master Relentless Change and Speed Up Your Learning Curve.

Disrupt Yourself helps people to learn the tools and frameworks needed to make important changes in their lives.

She tweets a lot of quotes from famous people.

19. John Lee Dumas

Want to start a podcast, but not quite sure what to podcast about? Check out this post from our friends over at Freelancing w/ Chris for a step-by-step guide on discovering your podcast topic: https://t.co/kklVKh0utX

— John Lee Dumas (@johnleedumas) March 22, 2020

John Lee Dumas is the author of The Freedom Journal: Accomplish Your #1 Goal in 100 Days!

The book contains scientific strategies to expand your ability to stay focus and achieve your goals.

He mostly tweets about podcast episodes.

20. James Altucher

Nobody will ever thank you for proving them wrong.

— James Altucher (@jaltucher) June 18, 2020

James Altucher is the author of Choose Yourself: Be Happy, Make Millions, Live the Dream.

In summary, the book suggests that you have to take complete responsibility for your own success and happiness.

His most recent and popular tweet states that no one will eve thank you for proving them wrong.

21. Manoush Zomorodi

TODAY marks my debut episode as host of @TEDRadioHour! It’s an exploration of REINVENTION. May it serve as a break from all the anxiety-inducing (but necessary) news about coronavirus AND be a contemplative listen about how to approach big change. ??https://t.co/C2MvCqAPHM

— Manoush Zomorodi (@manoushz) March 13, 2020

Manoush Zomorodi is the author of Bored and Brilliant: How Spacing Out Can Unlock Your Most Productive & Creative Self.

The book shows how you can unleash your most productive and creative self by daydreaming.

Her most recent and popular tweets announces her debut episode as a host of the Ted Radio Hour.

22. Michael Hyatt

Leaders have the privilege and responsibility of going first. The most powerful way that anybody can lead is by example.

— Michael Hyatt (@MichaelHyatt) June 13, 2020

Michael Hyatt is the author of Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World.

If you’re looking to expand your online platform, you’ll love this book.

He often tweets motivational quotes.

23. Ramit Sethi

People online: “Don’t throw money away on rent!”[Forgets all expenses, leaves out taxes/interest/insurance/maintenance, uses optimistic growth assumptions, incorrect mortgage, neglects opportunity cost.]”TADA! LOL at renters!”This video has 4.5+ million views https://t.co/YrqSTbd9lf

— Ramit Sethi (@ramit) May 24, 2020

Ramit Sethi is the author of I Will Teach You to Be Rich: No Guilt. No Excuses. No BS. Just a 6-Week Program That Works.

The book is a step-by-step guide for financial success.

His most recent and popular tweet shares a video about rent.

24. Smiley Poswolsky

Thanks @Apple for having me #todayatapple. If you do the work, if you keep going, you will have some beautiful wins along the way. #publicspeaking #creativity #artist pic.twitter.com/hRVfdmmymD

— Smiley Poswolsky (@whatsupsmiley) January 8, 2020

Smiley Poswolsky is the author of The Quarter-Life Breakthrough.

It’s a self-help book for career planning.

One of his most recent and popular tweet shows his appreciation towards Apple for having him.

25. Shane Snow

A week from Monday I’m going to be speaking at a live, global, virtual event to benefit the fight against Covid19. There are going to be some AMAZING speakers including @nireyal, @sekouandrews, and @vvanedwards who are donating their time and leadership w…https://t.co/UbvSPR229g

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— shanesnow (@shanesnow) May 7, 2020

Shane Snow is the author of Smartcuts: How Hackers, Innovators, and Icons Accelerate Success.

His book contains interesting stories of what people did to achieve success.

Recently, he tweeted about speaking at a live, global, and virtual event.

26. Jayson E. Street

I did not make many people happy at my other brother’s wedding. Which I feel bad about but I take this pandemic seriously I hope everyone starts to soon too! I’d prefer to have gone in my hoodie but did put on the suit though! ? #HackerAdventures pic.twitter.com/fgrIIQ5Yc3

— (((Jayson E. Street))) #WearAMask! ? (@jaysonstreet) June 30, 2020

Jayson E. Street is the author of Dissecting The Hack: The F0rb1dd3n Network.

The book is about hackers and hacking.

He tweets about articles, videos and more.

27. Sean Ellis

Chasing money burns teams out quickly, focusing on an important mission helps us all tap into a much deeper reserve of energy.

— Sean Ellis (@SeanEllis) April 8, 2020

Sean Ellis is the author of Hacking Growth: How Today’s Fastest-Growing Companies Drive Breakout Success.

If you’re into growth hacking, this book is a must-read.

His recent tweet mentions that teams should focus on a mission instead of chasing money.

28. Nir Eyal

There’s a reason we call it “paying” attention. Our time and focus have value.

— Nir Eyal (@nireyal) June 28, 2020

Nir Eyal is the author of Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products.

The book is about how successful companies create addictive products.

He tweets about quotes.

29. Rachel Hollis


Rachel Hollis is the author of Girl, Wash Your Face: Stop Believing the Lies about Who You Are So You Can Become Who You Were Meant to Be.

Learn how to escape from the lies preventing you from the amazing life that you’re meant to have in this book.

Her most recent and popular tweet suggests that you can only control your reaction to circumstances.

30. Gary Vaynerchuck

kindness is so so Cool!

— Gary Vaynerchuk (@garyvee) July 2, 2020

Gary Vaynerchuck, also known as Gary Vee is the author of Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook.

The book teaches people on how to tell their story effectively through social media.

He tweets about cards, wine and quotes.

31. Simon Sinek

Bad leaders care about who’s right. Good leaders care about what’s right.

— Simon Sinek (@simonsinek) May 14, 2020

Simon Sinek is the author of Start With Why.

The book shows how some leaders have the ability to inspire others.

He tweets about leadership.

32. Ben Horowitz


Ben Horowitz is the author of The Hard Thing About Hard Things.

The book describes the challenges that CEOs face and building a great organization.

His recent and most popular tweet is a book recommendation.

Further reading (related articles)

Here are some related articles to this one (32 best authors to follow on twitter) that you might be interested in.

> Related ? 50 Best Investors to Follow on Twitter

> List of Instagram Accounts that Follow Back

> List of Instagram Follow for Follow Groups 


And there you have it — 32 of the best authors to follow on Twitter (in the self-help and business genre).

Follow these authors for some writing inspiration and stay updated on day to day happenings.

Is there an author that I’ve missed on this list? Let us know on Instagram!

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Author: Lim How Wei. Lim How Wei is the founder of Followchain, a community that simplifies growth and networking for Instagram users. Feel free to follow him on Instagram.

Categories: Social Media
Source: thpttranhungdao.edu.vn/en/

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