Using Syncback To Sync Files and Folders On Your PC

Using synchronous backup software to sync files and folders with an external drive or online storage location is essential if you have important data on your PC and don’t want to lose it in unfortunate circumstances like hard drive failure.

Syncback is a feature-rich freeware for Windows that helps you back up and synchronize files and folders with an external drive, an FTP server, or between folders in your PC.

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to use Syncback to synchronize your important data with an external backup drive or FTP server.

1. Download and install the free version on your computer (including a paid version). When you run it, a dialog box appears asking you to create a profile. Click “Yes”.


2. On the profile type, select “Sync” and click OK.

sync sync

3. Name your new profile and click OK.

sync profile

4. The Configuration Settings window appears. At the top there are two boxes, source and destination. Click the folder icon on the right to select the location of the source and destination.

The source is the folder that you want to back up and the destination is the location on the external hard drive where you want to back up and then synchronize your computer’s data. You can also choose a folder in your PC as the target drive (it will sync data between folders on your computer).

There are many options available. Like if you choose “Sync source folder files and subfolders with destination folder”, it will sync the source folder as well as the folders contained within it with the destination folder.

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Also, there is a drop-down subfolder available at the top. You can also choose your preferences from there.

Note: When you choose sync in the above option, it means that any changes you make in the source folder will automatically appear on the destination folder and vice versa.

Syncbackprofile settings

5. Scroll to advanced tab and you will find different options. You can choose what to do if the file is in the source or destination folder and not in another folder.

For example, in the screenshot below, I selected “Do nothing, ignore file”. A dialog box appears showing the effect of selecting the option. Similarly, you can choose other options.


6. Filters are another useful and advanced feature of Syncback. Click Filter navigation. You can add which types of files or folders to copy and which types of files or folders to exclude. It is fully customizable.

In the screenshot I excluded song category. It means, if there is folder named song in the source or destination folder it will not be synchronized by this program.

sync filter

7. If you click the Expert button at the bottom then you will see the expert setting mode. An important feature is FTP where you can synchronize your computer with an FTP server. All you need to do is enter FTP Fill in your FTP credentials, check the FTP settings and click OK.

ftp sync

8. After working with all the settings, click the OK button and the Sync window will appear. It shows your profile name. Right click on your profile name and select Run from the context menu. You can also use the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl+R”.

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Run sync again

9. Initially, it will run simulations telling you exactly what it will sync. You can exclude individual files from here by right-clicking on them and selecting “Skip this file” if desired. Finally, click the “Continue Running” button at the bottom right to perform the sync.


10. Synchronization will begin. You can pause or stop the process by clicking on the small icons on the left side (check the screenshot below).


That’s it! You will get the same folders in the source and destination folders every time you sync.

If you make any changes on any folder, open the interface and press “Ctrl + R” again to perform the synchronization. Alternatively, you can schedule the process by clicking the schedule button below the interface to automate the whole thing.

Download Syncback to sync files and folders.

Categories: How to

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