Use and Sync More Than One Google Drive Account on Windows

Google Drive

In the past, we have seen how to modify the settings of

Google Drive app

for Windows and configure to access multiple Google Drive accounts in the same Windows profile. However, after a few updates of the app, this trick stopped working and users started reporting that they got errors when there were multiple accounts configured.

So today I will share another technique by which you can sync multiple Google Drive accounts simultaneously on your Windows computer.

However, this time we will not change the configuration of the official Google Drive app, instead we will use a third party program called Insync. The good part: It works. The bad part: It’s only free for the first 15 days of use, but there’s a way to get it free forever, which we’ll see at the end.

Sync for Windows in one convenient app with which you can sync multiple Google Drive accounts with Windows easily.

Use Insync to run multiple Google Drive accounts

After you install Insync on your computer, it will ask you to configure the first Google account that you want to associate with it. The app will ask you to sign in to your Google account, then grant all the necessary permissions to manage files on your online drive.

Once that’s done, the app will ask you to choose between simple setup and advanced setup. I recommend you choose Advanced setup options to gain better control over syncing multiple accounts.

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Next, give the sync a name. For example, if you are using your Google Drive account for official needs, you can name it Official Google Drive.

Then select the folder where you want to sync the files and save the settings. The application also gives you the option to perform selective synchronization of online and shared folders.

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Once you’ve configured the account, wait for the files to sync to your computer and then right-click the Don’t Sync icon in the Windows notification area (bottom right corner).

To configure a second account, select More Google Accounts option and follow the steps that you did while configuring the first account. This time if you are configuring the account for personal use, give it a name Personal Google Drive and choose an appropriate folder for it.

All the accounts you configure using the application will be displayed in the right-click menu of the application icon. All files will be continuously synced as long as the Insync application is running and you can choose any account to open the synced folder in Windows Explorer.

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Good tips for advanced users

Using the Insync application, you can easily create symlinks to directories. Using these symlinks, one can sync multiple folders with an online account without moving the folders to the location of the synced folder. To create a symlink, open a command prompt with elevated privileges and use the following command.

MKLINK link target /D (“/D” is for Symlink directory)

eg: MKLINK /D “C:[email protected]” “D:\Music\iTunes”

price plan

The app can only be used for free during the first 15-day trial period. Then you will have to buy one of these. Users who can refer 15 of their friends to the Insync service can use the app for free without any limitations.

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So that’s how you can add multiple Google Drive accounts to Windows. Compared to the previous trick, this one is relatively easy, and since we’re using a third-party app to get the job done, there’s less risk of losing the trick to future Google Drive updates because Insync’s business depends on it and they’ll want to make sure it works.

The fact that it’s not free is definitely a deterrent but anyone who wants to use multiple Google Drive accounts from the desktop is likely to use it for serious work and not just for purposes. normal use. That means paying for it if it makes your job easier will be worth it.

Try it out and let us know how it works for you.

Categories: How to

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