Understanding Smart Playlists in iTunes and How to Create Them

Itunes logo Would you be surprised if I said that I have never created a playlist in my life so far? Well, I just hate the idea of ​​manually sorting through about 13GB of my music collection. I just play them all in shuffle mode and skip the ones I don’t want to hear at the moment.

One day, a friend of mine saw my messy multimedia (and life) collection and suggested I use iTunes to organize (at least when it comes to music). At first I wasn’t sure how iTunes could help me but all my questions were answered once I started using this neat feature called Smart Playlists.

iTunes Smart Playlist is a smarter way to keep track of our new music by automatically adding them using some set of user-created rules. You can auto-populate your playlist by setting some criteria like Artist, Album, Last Played, Date, Year, Play count etc.

iTunes by default comes with some Smart Playlists like Classics and Top Rated located in the playlists section on the left sidebar. You can edit these playlists by right clicking on the context menu but let’s see how to create a new playlist from scratch.

Assuming that you have iTunes installed on your system and have a lot of music in your music library with all (or most) of them properly tagged, click Files on iTunes and select New Smart Playlist (Shortcut: CTRL+LT+N). ‘

New Smart Playlist

Now we will have to set a rule for the type of music that we want to include in our new Smart Playlist. To start off simple, I have just given a selection criteria for my first playlist and that is that the songs selected should be from 2011. Also, I have selected the live update option so that all new tracks are scanned and added automatically if they match the criteria.

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Easy playlists

Once done, select ok and give your smart playlist a name. You’ll notice that songs that match the criteria are automatically added to the playlist.

Name the playlist

Now it’s that simple! You can also add tracks with multiple selection criteria. While creating a Smart Playlist, click the (+) button to add selection criteria. You can also nest your selection rules.

Complex playlists

You can create many smart playlists using this simple technique and listen to them according to your mood.

If you have other playlist-related tricks in your pocket, we’d be happy to hear them in the comments. Bring them up! ????

Categories: How to
Source: thpttranhungdao.edu.vn/en/

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