Turi Ip Ip Ip Meme, Lyrics, and Original Song

Turi Ip Ip Ip is a meme similar to the wenomechainsama meme.

It introduces an animal (usually a dog) singing the lyrics of Electro-Light – Symbolism [NCS Release].

The lyrics are represented by chat bubbles with animal pictures (comic-like).

However, the song doesn’t actually have lyrics.

Thus, the form of the meme is to mock the song by making up the lyrics.

The meme was first shared on TikTok in May 2022 before other variations of it were created.

In this guide you will learn the meaning behind the Turi Ip Ip Ip meme, the lyrics (copypasta) and the original song.

  • Turi Ip Ip Ip meme
  • “Turi Ip Ip Ip” lyrics
  • Original Song Turi Ip Ip Ip

Turi Ip Ip Ip meme


#pbxrna #lmao #meme #crzgf #ORAHEXGetBackOut #sh1tpost

♬ Turi ip ip ip – CappeMan

The Turi Ip Ip Ip meme is a slideshow of an animal (usually a dog) singing the lyrics of the song “Electro-Light – Symbolism [NCS Release]”.

The joke is that the song doesn’t actually have lyrics and it’s made.

One TikToker, @cappeman1, posted a 6-second slideshow of the meme.

It has more than 9 million views, 1.3 million likes and 30 thousand comments.

Apparently, a lot of TikTok users find this meme hilarious even though it’s simple.

Another video shows a chicken with the song “Turi Ip Ip Ip” playing in the background.

The person recording the video intentionally moves their phone in sync with the song.

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The video has more than 13 million views, 2.2 million likes and 28,000 comments.

Other videos of memes on TikTok feature people lip-syncing to songs.

“Turi Ip Ip Ip” lyrics

Turi Ip Ip Ip lyrics/copypasta


turi ip ip ip

ip ip ip ip tsha ik

[Verse 1]

ip tsha ip ik

turi turi isha ip turisha


turi ip ip ip

ip ip io tsha ik

[Verse 2]

ip tsha ip ik

turi turi isha ip turisha


turi ip ip ip

ip ip ip ip tsha ik

Original Song Turi Ip Ip Ip

The original song of Turi Ip Ip Ip is Electro-Light – Symbolism [NCS Release].

The song was uploaded to YouTube on November 28, 2014.

Since then, the song has racked up over 200 million views and 2.6 million likes.

TikTok users posted videos of the song in the wenomechainsama meme format.

One of them was a show of a dog singing the lyrics to a transliteration of Symbolism.

The lyrics are represented by a speech bubble attached to the dog.

Other animals the meme contains are a kitten and a water guinea pig.

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Categories: How to
Source: thpttranhungdao.edu.vn/en/

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