Top 4 Ways to Transfer Videos from Android to iPhone and Vice Versa

Documents and photos are usually smaller than videos and can be emailed to others. However, email has a file size limit, and as such, it is not possible to share videos, which are usually larger in size, via email.

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One might think that to transfer videos to another phone a computer is required. Gone are the days, however, when people needed a PC to transfer files between two mobile phones. Now this can be done easily by other methods without the need for a USB cable or a computer. You can directly transfer videos between two phones even without internet.

Not only can phones be on the same operating system, such as Android and Android or iOS and iOS, but these methods also work between Android and iOS.

What are these methods? Without further ado, let’s learn how to transfer videos from Android to iPhone and vice versa.

1. Use a file transfer app

Over the years, many file transfer applications have been born. They allow you to send files such as audio, images, videos, documents, etc. These applications are cross-platform. Meaning, they are available on both Android and iOS.

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They are also extremely easy to use. All you need to do is install a cross-platform file transfer app on both phones. Then select the video file and send it to another device. The only requirement for most of these apps is that the phone be connected to the same Wi-Fi network (possibly a hotspot).

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Since you don’t even need an active internet connection, file transfer speeds are quite high when using these apps thanks to Wi-Fi Direct technology. And the best part? Transferring videos through this method is free and unlimited.

Some apps that I would recommend are: Feem, SHAREit, Xender and Zapya. You can learn more about these apps here. I prefer Feem and Xender because of the user-friendly interface and they have limited ads.

2. Send using chat app

There is a 99% chance that you have at least one instant messenger like WhatsApp, Messenger, Telegram etc installed on your phone. You can also use these chat apps to send videos from iPhone to Android and vice versa. Simply use the provided video option to attach a video file from the sender’s phone.

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In the case of WhatsApp, you have two options: Gallery/gallery and documents. If you send it through the gallery (or gallery) option, WhatsApp will reduce the quality of the video. To retain the original quality, use the Attach Document feature to send the video in its original form.

Obviously, these chat apps require internet and transmission speed will depend on your internet speed. If you are sending a large video, it can take time using this method.

Furthermore, since applications use bandwidth, you must have enough balanced data. We recommend using this method for small videos.

3. Cloud service

Similar to chat apps, you can take the help of cloud storage apps like Google Drive, OneDrive, Dropbox, etc. to share your videos. Again, it incurs data charges (depending on your internet plan) and basically requires internet to transfer.

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You basically upload a video of any size to one of these ports, which acts as a video hosting service in this case. Then you press the Share button. A shareable link is generated that you need to share with the recipient who can be an Android or iPhone user.

The advantage of this method over chat applications is that you can share with many people at the same time. That’s because the video is now stored in the cloud. All you have to do is share its link without re-uploading it. Yes, the recipient needs to download it again using the internet.

4. Using Online Services

If you do not use any cloud services, other online services can be used to share video files. Some of these sites save your videos for later sharing while others destroy them after a certain time. You can check out websites/apps like Send Anywhere and We Transfer. Both will create a shareable link. Just upload your video and share the link.

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Similar to cloud services and chat applications, this service also requires internet. Without internet, it will not be possible to transfer videos. The advantage here is that the recipient does not require downloading any apps or having an account. Use these methods to send very large videos.

Easy sharing

These are some of the best methods to transfer videos from Android to iPhone. Personally, I prefer to use file sharing apps for this purpose. They do not require internet and are also fast. However, when the video is small, chat apps also come in handy. Which method do you prefer? Let us know in the comments below.

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Next up: Does the sound in the video bother you? Know how to remove it easily on Android and iOS.

Categories: How to

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